Hello! 👋 I’m Matt Reeves, a DevOps and GitOps enthusiast with a passion for self-hosting.

Before diving into the world of DevOps and GitOps, I honed my skills as an advanced electronics repair technician, tackling complex challenges with multimeters, oscilloscopes, and soldering irons. From troubleshooting intricate circuits to mastering surface-mount technology (SMT), I thrived on solving problems and learning what’s possible in electronics.

While I continue to stay up-to-date with hardware, my focus has shifted more towards the software side of things. Just as I mastered the intricacies of hardware, I’m now determined to delve into the world of software and emerge as a master of DevOps, GitOps, and system administration. With the same dedication and hunger for knowledge that drove me in the realm of electronics, I’m excited to tackle the challenges of software development and infrastructure management head-on.

What You’ll Find Here

  • DevOps & GitOps: From CI/CD pipelines to Git-driven infrastructure.
  • Self-Hosting: Managing my own homelab and orchestrating various services.
  • Cybersecurity: How I keep my infrastructure safe and secure.
  • Kubernetes & Docker: Pretty much everything I run is containerized.
  • AI: I’m also passionate about artificial intelligence (AI), exploring self-hosted text-generation models like Phi, Llama-2, and Gemma, along with running image-generation Stable-Diffusion models. I show you how I integrate AI into various software projects and explore its potential impact.

Other Hobbies & Interests

  • MMA Junkie. I haven’t missed a major UFC event since I started watching in 2018.
  • Milwaukee Bucks Fan. Born and raised in SE Wisconsin, been a Bucks fan my whole life.
  • MCU Fanboy. I am a huge Marvel fan, especially Spider-Man.
  • Gamer. I spend alot of time playing video games, for the last few years my main game has been Rocket League, as well as COD. But I play all styles of games.
  • Pets. I have a dog named Knox who’s a husky-lab mix. I spend mostly all day everyday giving him pets.

Why mafyuh?

When I was 9 I needed a unique username for Google. My full name is Matthew, if you say mafyuh fast it sort-of sounds the same. Anyways, it stuck. The google account didn’t though :(

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