This is just a quick guide on how to authenticate your authentik users with Proton using SimpleLogin OIDC.

Proton Authentik Login Screen

To accomplish this, first create a SimpleLogin acct by logging in with Proton. Once thats done go to and create a website. Give it your authentik URL.

Then go to Oauth Settings and copy your client ID and secret for next step. add your authentik URL in redirect URL like this (simplelogin being slug of authentik)

In authentik go to Directory - Federation and Social login - Create and create an OpenID Oauth source

Name: SimpleLogin Slug: simplelogin User matching mode: i chose link with identical email Consumer key: Paste your key Consumer secret: Paste your secret authorization url: access token url: profile url: OIDC Well-known URL:

For logo, it appears authenik inverts your image, I dont know if its dark mode or bug but regardless here’s the regular and inverted image I used. Just right click and save image:

Proton Logo Proton Logo Inverted

Now go to Flows and Stages - Flows - choose your default authentication stage - click it then click stage bindings - Click edit stage to the right of your identification stage - expand Source settings and make sure you CTL + click your newly created SimpleLogin source.

You should be able to logout and try to to login with your Proton account!