@@ -246,8 +246,9 @@
Restart your terminal session.
Creating Wallet#
We will create a new SOL wallet to fund our token. To do this run:
solana-keygen new
You don’t have to put a passphrase if you don’t want to. I would backup your recovery seed phrase and take note of the public address. I would fund this wallet with some SOL as well at this time.
solana-keygen new --derivation-path "m/44'/501'/0'/0'" --force --no-bip39-passphrase
Credit to u/nel0_angel0 on finding the –derivation-path flag
I would backup your recovery seed phrase and take note of the public address. I would fund this wallet with some SOL as well at this time. It’s best to restore this private key in your wallet on PC/phone. (Phantom, Solflare, etc)
Keep note of the keypair directory for later step.
Check your SOL balance with:
solana balance
@@ -283,11 +284,12 @@
spl-token mint 7njsg9BA1xvXX9DNpe5fERHK4zb7MbCHKZ6zsx5k3adr 1000000 CkaGbdriXVMHtzFBPtnpDjQvZ9gM9bwd8XdTTKR2Wx32
To see your tokens you can run:
spl-token accounts
Now you will want to send these tokens to a new address, so make a new wallet and get its pubkey, then to send these tokens run:
Now if you want to send these tokens to a new address, just run:
spl-token transfer --fund-recipient --allow-unfunded-recipient <TOKEN_ADDRESS> <# of tokens> <NEW_ADDRESS>
spl-token transfer --fund-recipient --allow-unfunded-recipient 7njsg9BA1xvXX9DNpe5fERHK4zb7MbCHKZ6zsx5k3adr 1000000 2DDyEt5N4y77ETWhhUmkZiympQbpjkfrt8FcMKhB1iWU
This won’t be needed if you restored your private key in your wallet.
Once this completes you can install metaboss which is needed to upload metadata. You can try to use spl-token built in metadata uploader as well, using –enable-metadata and initialize-metadata during token creation, but I couldn’t get this to work. Metaboss worked 1st try, again, this takes some time:
cargo install metaboss
diff --git a/tags/homelab/index.html b/tags/homelab/index.html
index f25299c..5e7752e 100644
--- a/tags/homelab/index.html
+++ b/tags/homelab/index.html
@@ -154,7 +154,7 @@
I wanted to create an SPL token and after looking online I couldn’t find an updated guide. I mainly just found Keyglowmax (SCAM). So I thought I would learn and share. There are much easier ways to create these tokens but they cost $ and spending more $ than needed is no fun. They also have you connect your wallet which is enough of a worry. This guide costs as little SOL as possible as everything is transacted directly on-chain....