I wanted to create an SPL token and after looking online I couldn’t find an updated guide. I mainly just found Keyglowmax (SCAM). So I thought I would learn and share. There are much easier ways to create these tokens but they cost $ and spending more $ than needed is no fun. They also have you connect your wallet which is enough of a worry. This guide costs as little SOL as possible as everything is transacted directly on-chain. Everything is done from the CLI.


This guide just covers the basics, the tools used are way more powerful than what I use them for, this is just creating a basic token with no taxes or locked supply or anything complex, but these tools do support those options. If you are interested in doing more I would read the proper documentation.


This guide just covers the basics, the tools used are way more powerful than what I use them for, this is just creating a basic token with no taxes or memos or anything complex, but these tools do support those options. If you are interested in doing more I would read the proper documentation.

  • https://docs.solanalabs.com/cli/install
  • https://metaboss.rs/overview.html
  • @@ -335,7 +335,7 @@ Click on the information icon next to your image and copy the arweave.net URL. (

    If you ever need to update your metadata, you can do so by running:

    metaboss update uri --keypair /home/mafyuh/.config/solana/id.json --account <TOKEN_ADDRESS> --new-uri https://arweave.net/new-arweave-json-url

    or you can just edit your existing json file.


    BONUS Creating a Market


    Creating a Market

    Now that you have a coin ready to go, you probably wanna get it listed so others can buy, I’ll try to make this process as cheap and easy as possible. Thanks to this Reddit post for finding these values.

    You need to connect your wallet and have the tokens in the wallet that is connected for this to work, so either restore your private key or send tokens to your wallet on PC.

    Note I would not create this small of a market for a production coin, as what you are paying for when creating a market is essentially space on the blockchain for all your transactions. Long term projects should certainly not pay this little for a market, probably only good for smaller meme coins. If you are planning a long-term project you should probably be paying a few SOL for your market fee.

    @@ -364,7 +364,7 @@ Click on the information icon next to your image and copy the arweave.net URL. (
  • Orderbook Length: 201
  • At this time the cost to create this market is 0.32 SOL. Keep note of the market address.


    BONUS Creating Pool


    Creating Pool

    Now that we have a market, we need to create a pool. I’ve found Raydium to be the cheapest fee, but I would not cheap out on how much SOL you delegate to the pool as this is gonna be your liquidity, and having almost no liquidity is gonna be big red flag. But I have in the past just delegated .1 SOL and it worked, but trust me this is not gonna work out well.

    • First go to https://raydium.io/liquidity/create/
    • @@ -389,9 +389,7 @@ Click on the information icon next to your image and copy the arweave.net URL. (

      You will probably want to burn these LP tokens so buyers won’t be scared off. There are many ways to do this, you can use the cli using this command:

      spl-token burn <TOKEN-ACCOUNT-ADDRESS> <AMOUNT>

      You can get the address on Solscan. Some wallets like solflare allow you to burn tokens thru the wallet. Or you can use online services like https://sol-incinerator.com/


      You will also want to revoke mint authority as well as freeze authority by running:

      spl-token authorize <token_address> freeze --disable

      And for mint authority:


      You will also want to revoke mint authority, you will not be able to mint anymore tokens:

      spl-token authorize <token_address> mint --disable

      If you want to get your price to show on the wallets, you need to get listed on CoinGecko. There’s a bunch of requirements, to apply here is a link.

      To get listed on Jupiter, they will automatically list your token once it hits some benchmarks which can be found here

      @@ -406,14 +404,6 @@ Click on the information icon next to your image and copy the arweave.net URL. ( - -