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89 152 130 234 40 83 87 164 103 180 28 29 407 233 900 486 110 57 268 140
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-495 -7 -12 12 -24 317 -14 356 l6 26 258 -2 257 -3 3 -181z m10157 -25 c79
-16 127 -44 162 -96 86 -128 85 -276 -5 -403 -30 -44 -52 -62 -106 -90 l-69
-35 -1836 -5 -1836 -5 -41 -22 c-44 -23 -85 -66 -110 -114 -13 -26 -14 -370
-12 -2897 3 -2290 6 -2875 16 -2905 10 -29 144 -168 596 -620 675 -674 1091
-1112 1324 -1395 69 -83 142 -199 142 -224 0 -21 -322 -42 -360 -23 -41 22
-388 387 -650 685 -41 47 -114 128 -161 180 -112 124 -475 548 -659 770 -174
211 -283 338 -454 530 -155 174 -268 308 -302 360 -20 30 -27 59 -35 136 -15
151 -14 5520 0 5604 37 205 157 383 326 485 110 66 197 87 390 94 278 10 3623
1 3680 -10z m-11439 -170 c314 -55 632 -304 789 -618 84 -167 134 -391 121
-541 -19 -205 -83 -397 -184 -549 -207 -312 -563 -501 -946 -501 -150 0 -289
36 -461 121 -281 138 -521 455 -590 782 -19 89 -19 294 0 394 85 442 409 795
830 904 82 21 343 26 441 8z m-1568 -223 c2 -110 -1 -193 -6 -198 -14 -14
-433 -11 -446 2 -12 12 -16 354 -4 365 7 7 307 23 398 21 l55 -1 3 -189z
m-1940 -59 l5 -174 -99 -73 c-91 -68 -535 -364 -629 -420 -46 -27 -145 -91
-465 -300 -399 -260 -432 -281 -438 -275 -20 19 -30 361 -12 395 13 25 151
117 615 410 220 139 440 280 490 313 167 113 510 315 519 307 5 -5 11 -87 14
-183z m5569 -215 c30 -19 24 -503 -7 -522 -25 -16 -162 -22 -455 -21 -306 1
-357 4 -374 25 -19 22 -31 133 -31 275 0 146 10 214 33 228 7 4 46 10 87 14
110 9 733 10 747 1z m9373 -649 c61 -27 126 -93 156 -156 18 -40 24 -69 24
-123 0 -107 -23 -168 -91 -236 -48 -48 -67 -60 -128 -79 -163 -49 -311 12
-383 158 -83 169 -29 355 124 433 60 30 67 31 158 28 68 -3 108 -10 140 -25z
m-2792 -53 c123 -65 177 -159 176 -305 0 -66 -5 -89 -26 -131 -91 -176 -298
-241 -470 -147 -61 33 -103 80 -137 153 -37 78 -37 200 0 280 39 83 117 151
209 181 14 5 61 7 105 6 69 -3 89 -8 143 -37z m5845 -289 c-1 -90 -6 -168 -11
-173 -5 -5 -87 -10 -181 -11 -202 -2 -201 -3 -201 97 0 68 18 234 26 248 3 4
87 7 187 6 l182 -3 -2 -164z m-12571 -155 c58 -22 114 -75 142 -135 18 -40 21
-65 21 -186 0 -156 -17 -254 -47 -282 -18 -16 -41 -18 -202 -18 -255 1 -257 3
-321 191 l-27 82 -45 6 c-25 3 -130 6 -233 6 l-187 0 -7 71 c-6 66 -3 140 10
247 l5 44 422 -4 c370 -4 428 -7 469 -22z m-3477 -118 c3 -29 5 -118 3 -198
l-3 -145 -110 -3 c-133 -4 -326 6 -346 18 -17 11 -25 245 -12 320 11 57 11 57
265 59 l197 1 6 -52z m14907 10 c72 -33 142 -103 176 -176 24 -51 27 -68 27
-167 0 -96 -3 -116 -24 -155 -55 -104 -120 -158 -223 -186 -103 -27 -222 -9
-310 47 -53 34 -82 70 -124 149 -27 51 -29 64 -29 160 0 123 18 172 94 253 76
81 146 108 271 104 66 -2 98 -9 142 -29z m-14284 -556 c74 -38 131 -94 163
-160 21 -40 24 -62 24 -152 0 -89 -3 -112 -23 -152 -37 -74 -96 -134 -169
-170 -60 -29 -74 -32 -162 -33 -87 0 -100 3 -143 27 -59 35 -121 106 -161 183
-27 53 -31 70 -32 145 0 71 4 94 26 140 35 74 108 153 172 185 48 24 60 26
147 23 83 -4 103 -8 158 -36z m-3610 -405 c293 -85 512 -391 488 -682 -19
-223 -145 -414 -342 -517 -219 -115 -408 -115 -639 0 -88 43 -225 178 -272
267 -50 96 -77 198 -77 295 0 109 15 173 71 289 82 172 241 302 425 351 106
28 244 26 346 -3z m13360 -25 c155 -60 275 -218 305 -402 23 -148 -55 -321
-184 -411 l-64 -45 3 -1174 c1 -646 6 -1243 10 -1326 l8 -151 44 -48 c25 -27
83 -90 130 -140 47 -49 185 -200 306 -335 304 -336 537 -591 804 -880 517
-559 830 -937 830 -1001 0 -14 -22 -17 -177 -23 -98 -4 -197 -9 -221 -13 -41
-5 -44 -4 -95 48 -371 382 -366 377 -842 894 -121 131 -308 333 -415 448 -495
530 -777 845 -810 907 -12 21 -13 259 -12 1398 l2 1374 -32 26 c-161 133 -237
267 -238 417 -1 201 149 394 350 452 66 19 231 11 298 -15z m1385 -202 c74
-23 162 -83 225 -155 123 -140 158 -358 82 -512 -39 -78 -132 -175 -206 -215
-189 -102 -426 -66 -580 89 -215 214 -157 606 111 757 107 60 246 74 368 36z
m3001 -531 c68 -25 140 -93 176 -164 32 -64 41 -210 17 -280 -33 -96 -111
-175 -209 -212 -24 -9 -78 -16 -123 -17 -69 -1 -88 3 -137 27 -73 36 -139 100
-174 168 -39 76 -46 208 -15 290 37 97 116 170 224 205 56 18 169 11 241 -17z
m-15871 -715 c163 -42 339 -177 442 -339 162 -253 130 -569 -78 -792 -203
-217 -477 -288 -734 -191 -126 48 -193 90 -283 178 -197 194 -255 487 -148
746 78 188 258 348 448 398 76 20 275 20 353 0z m1607 -494 c13 -24 16 -318 4
-330 -16 -15 -297 -24 -323 -11 -22 12 -22 15 -19 170 2 115 7 162 17 174 11
14 36 17 162 17 137 0 149 -1 159 -20z m7162 -49 c161 -62 272 -209 298 -392
33 -233 -143 -486 -369 -529 -250 -47 -473 80 -557 318 -42 121 -28 307 31
408 53 90 150 167 260 207 72 25 257 19 337 -12z m-10424 -279 c19 -13 32 -69
39 -172 7 -119 -5 -168 -52 -209 -33 -28 -42 -31 -106 -31 -81 0 -126 17 -157
60 -38 51 -47 108 -34 206 12 92 29 129 65 144 28 11 228 12 245 2z m6142 -13
c25 -11 72 -44 105 -72 l59 -52 317 3 c373 4 338 19 342 -144 3 -150 14 -144
-257 -143 -116 0 -251 4 -301 8 -77 7 -92 6 -105 -8 -27 -29 -132 -112 -164
-129 -42 -22 -187 -22 -237 0 -139 61 -212 245 -152 380 28 61 98 136 148 159
58 27 185 25 245 -2z m-6913 -166 c24 -31 28 -332 4 -371 -12 -20 -62 -32
-137 -32 -85 0 -136 17 -155 52 -18 33 -22 230 -7 303 12 57 15 60 48 67 60
11 233 -2 247 -19z m15347 -292 c128 -63 218 -171 252 -302 21 -81 15 -202
-15 -279 -19 -50 -19 -56 -5 -80 22 -36 1798 -1803 1862 -1852 31 -24 70 -44
95 -49 23 -4 227 -8 452 -9 441 0 492 -5 562 -53 100 -68 136 -309 66 -446
-23 -46 -37 -60 -78 -81 l-50 -25 -501 0 -501 0 -79 59 c-131 97 -1920 1903
-2156 2175 l-46 53 -98 15 c-132 19 -180 42 -252 117 -250 260 -159 673 173
783 26 8 77 12 147 10 96 -3 113 -6 172 -36z m3264 -685 c256 -135 353 -427
226 -679 -37 -72 -142 -172 -218 -208 -282 -132 -638 61 -686 373 -35 226 107
463 324 540 41 15 74 18 166 15 111 -3 117 -4 188 -41z m-7353 -186 c142 -20
264 -112 326 -245 113 -240 -42 -533 -309 -585 -189 -37 -371 60 -464 246 -37
75 -42 95 -46 170 -4 76 -1 93 23 157 23 58 42 85 94 138 113 112 209 142 376
119z m-3840 -119 c333 -81 653 -388 736 -708 29 -111 41 -431 37 -987 -2 -358
-6 -458 -16 -468 -17 -17 -629 -15 -646 2 -8 8 -13 186 -17 588 -5 372 -11
592 -18 620 -40 153 -166 272 -331 313 -46 12 -528 14 -2935 14 -3031 -1
-2980 0 -3081 -45 -101 -44 -200 -176 -225 -300 -7 -36 -12 -247 -13 -605 -1
-302 -6 -558 -10 -567 -16 -35 -72 -41 -352 -35 -148 3 -280 7 -293 9 -19 2
-27 12 -33 37 -5 18 -7 329 -5 690 4 706 2 684 59 846 73 212 230 395 438 512
105 60 216 93 340 102 47 3 1478 6 3180 5 l3095 -1 90 -22z m-1780 -1551 c170
-43 328 -169 372 -295 23 -63 26 -316 5 -337 -11 -11 -395 -13 -2065 -13
l-2052 0 -6 65 c-14 154 20 285 97 370 94 104 284 205 419 223 17 2 732 5
1591 6 1532 1 1562 1 1639 -19z m421 -1691 c202 -28 304 -107 413 -319 42 -81
376 -900 579 -1420 33 -85 122 -310 197 -500 76 -190 193 -489 260 -665 68
-176 144 -373 169 -437 57 -146 96 -279 96 -327 0 -20 -11 -60 -25 -87 -82
-164 -212 -222 -481 -211 -168 6 -231 27 -315 105 -72 66 -98 110 -160 262
l-48 115 -758 3 c-417 1 -768 0 -780 -3 -17 -4 -39 -39 -93 -148 -81 -165
-121 -223 -185 -267 -76 -52 -147 -73 -267 -78 -235 -9 -405 59 -486 196 -24
42 -27 56 -26 132 2 109 18 161 189 590 159 400 238 602 299 768 25 68 150
383 277 700 127 317 289 725 360 905 155 396 193 471 274 553 126 127 275 166
511 133z m-6683 -40 c88 -45 232 -177 767 -704 202 -198 392 -380 423 -404 55
-42 59 -43 85 -30 15 8 216 201 447 429 551 544 645 629 779 700 l58 30 512 0
511 0 50 -24 c57 -26 98 -70 129 -136 l21 -45 3 -1740 c2 -1247 0 -1755 -8
-1792 -14 -66 -59 -133 -112 -168 -65 -43 -190 -50 -693 -39 -403 9 -422 10
-461 31 -65 35 -131 114 -144 176 -9 38 -11 280 -8 875 1 452 1 822 -2 822
-17 0 -466 -411 -745 -680 -145 -140 -268 -242 -330 -272 -38 -18 -44 -19 -75
-5 -76 33 -230 172 -889 803 -98 94 -177 162 -182 157 -5 -5 -10 -393 -11
-863 -3 -963 3 -886 -82 -974 -69 -71 -74 -71 -613 -69 -295 1 -487 6 -512 13
-55 15 -134 89 -168 158 l-28 57 -3 1734 c-3 1906 -6 1791 58 1879 16 23 53
55 82 72 l53 30 523 0 c514 0 524 0 565 -21z m13053 -3 c130 -40 195 -126 380
-501 79 -159 179 -355 222 -435 178 -328 186 -340 203 -340 20 0 94 135 302
555 121 242 237 471 260 510 57 98 115 157 195 196 60 29 78 33 173 37 181 8
279 -28 382 -138 87 -92 112 -146 111 -235 -2 -83 -25 -153 -120 -353 -36 -75
-100 -213 -141 -307 -41 -93 -139 -305 -218 -470 -318 -667 -428 -907 -457
-994 -21 -63 -22 -87 -29 -621 -4 -397 -10 -566 -19 -595 -32 -103 -128 -194
-232 -222 -90 -23 -214 -27 -298 -9 -196 42 -297 145 -320 327 -5 47 -10 285
-10 552 l0 468 -26 77 c-26 79 -119 277 -379 807 -141 287 -271 552 -478 975
-114 235 -137 298 -137 385 0 85 37 160 112 231 101 96 192 126 363 120 61 -3
133 -11 161 -20z m3115 10 c117 -21 197 -71 258 -160 59 -87 55 -18 61 -1221
l5 -1110 23 -70 c33 -97 62 -144 129 -205 105 -96 243 -137 360 -107 90 24
148 54 211 111 74 68 118 140 144 234 22 76 22 91 27 1177 6 1091 6 1100 27
1146 44 95 133 166 244 195 112 29 334 9 425 -39 44 -22 111 -90 134 -135 43
-84 43 -108 33 -1347 -9 -1131 -10 -1184 -30 -1272 -26 -117 -66 -242 -99
-307 -79 -158 -254 -361 -407 -474 -129 -94 -309 -169 -519 -214 -327 -70
-756 24 -1045 229 -145 103 -305 279 -386 425 -45 82 -100 241 -128 375 l-23
108 0 1075 c0 1281 0 1295 40 1376 87 177 273 253 516 210z m3345 3 c43 -6
101 -20 131 -30 66 -25 153 -103 184 -166 l24 -48 5 -610 c3 -339 9 -616 14
-624 8 -12 88 -13 534 -8 289 4 528 9 531 13 3 3 8 281 11 617 l5 612 24 48
c31 63 129 151 200 179 82 32 286 33 386 1 111 -36 197 -118 228 -217 18 -61
18 -3367 -1 -3446 -15 -65 -67 -147 -115 -185 -57 -43 -141 -67 -252 -73 -122
-5 -192 8 -285 54 -81 41 -130 93 -162 173 -22 56 -23 60 -26 699 l-3 642
-542 -2 -542 -3 -2 -535 c-3 -657 -10 -775 -47 -847 -64 -128 -190 -193 -371
-193 -147 0 -257 40 -340 124 -110 111 -100 -79 -103 1836 -2 1222 0 1680 8
1720 29 139 154 246 313 269 88 12 106 12 193 0z m-7921 -49 c62 -13 146 -62
206 -121 93 -91 145 -261 119 -392 -28 -143 -134 -279 -257 -328 l-58 -24
-807 4 -808 3 -10 -26 c-6 -17 -10 -150 -10 -335 l0 -309 23 -6 c12 -3 278 -6
590 -6 548 0 570 -1 629 -21 86 -29 137 -61 196 -123 161 -170 158 -414 -8
-576 -31 -31 -83 -68 -115 -84 -112 -53 -157 -56 -756 -56 -431 0 -551 -3
-554 -12 -2 -7 -8 -283 -13 -613 -9 -651 -8 -641 -67 -726 -33 -46 -119 -103
-190 -125 -72 -22 -200 -29 -279 -15 -105 18 -170 47 -229 101 -78 71 -104
136 -117 286 -11 133 -12 2188 -2 2854 l7 415 27 56 c42 85 104 141 192 172
21 8 338 13 996 18 1030 6 1216 5 1295 -11z m7301 -4957 c167 -3 304 -9 304
-12 -2 -25 -196 -225 -490 -505 -157 -149 -386 -370 -510 -491 -124 -121 -358
-348 -520 -505 -162 -157 -405 -393 -540 -525 -135 -132 -339 -330 -454 -440
-185 -178 -496 -510 -539 -576 -15 -22 -16 -202 -15 -1999 1 -2073 2 -2014
-42 -2100 -78 -153 -276 -219 -425 -143 -85 44 -139 95 -172 161 l-28 57 -3
2074 -2 2074 26 45 c31 53 263 286 639 642 148 140 398 379 555 531 157 151
375 360 485 464 313 296 708 669 840 795 363 346 529 480 573 465 7 -3 150 -8
318 -12z m-3073 -3 c172 0 197 -2 197 -16 0 -18 -239 -264 -445 -457 -82 -77
-202 -190 -265 -251 -63 -61 -180 -174 -260 -251 -80 -77 -221 -212 -315 -300
-93 -88 -224 -212 -290 -275 -66 -64 -167 -160 -225 -215 -58 -55 -190 -183
-295 -285 -104 -102 -307 -297 -450 -432 -261 -248 -505 -496 -537 -546 -16
-25 -18 -101 -24 -943 l-7 -915 60 -22 c128 -47 263 -164 321 -278 79 -157 82
-279 10 -452 -27 -65 -45 -90 -117 -163 -97 -97 -171 -140 -285 -164 -76 -15
-177 -8 -251 18 -138 49 -269 167 -335 299 -100 202 -72 420 77 601 26 32 59
73 71 90 l24 32 -6 240 c-3 132 -9 616 -12 1075 l-7 836 23 44 c43 85 129 177
491 525 200 193 487 469 639 615 311 301 676 650 825 790 536 504 644 603 795
726 111 90 97 86 255 80 77 -3 229 -6 338 -6z m-1465 -12 c-10 -29 -229 -212
-483 -404 -148 -113 -339 -259 -424 -327 -200 -158 -243 -187 -316 -209 -73
-23 -116 -17 -179 22 -156 99 -180 335 -44 428 24 16 133 77 243 137 231 124
375 212 494 302 l85 63 314 0 c246 0 313 -3 310 -12z m-11134 -304 c3 -9 6
-59 7 -112 1 -137 14 -320 23 -329 4 -4 727 -10 1606 -13 879 -3 1602 -8 1606
-13 15 -15 -18 -144 -59 -227 -76 -154 -230 -282 -441 -366 -170 -67 -111 -65
-1451 -62 l-1210 3 -72 23 c-264 81 -480 231 -604 420 -53 81 -84 164 -99 267
-11 80 -13 263 -4 353 l7 62 161 3 c480 8 524 8 530 -9z m7983 1 c77 -23 136
-74 174 -150 30 -61 31 -69 27 -152 -5 -101 -24 -146 -85 -205 -44 -43 -108
-73 -175 -83 -103 -15 -222 54 -283 166 -25 47 -29 64 -29 129 1 129 58 226
166 279 70 35 125 40 205 16z m-2853 -1 c15 -6 16 -58 15 -528 -1 -583 -1
-588 61 -647 78 -74 67 -73 785 -74 l640 0 70 -24 c186 -62 348 -216 444 -423
80 -171 74 22 78 -2335 5 -2324 8 -2190 -60 -2356 -62 -152 -189 -308 -321
-392 -70 -44 -176 -89 -266 -111 -72 -18 -141 -19 -1545 -19 l-1470 0 -86 31
c-222 79 -364 211 -446 414 -53 132 -53 132 -53 1010 l1 815 -93 7 c-168 13
-255 53 -374 172 -64 64 -90 100 -124 168 -39 79 -43 95 -48 180 -11 212 91
403 280 526 188 122 455 133 658 26 168 -88 297 -242 347 -411 15 -52 17 -165
22 -1128 6 -1137 5 -1099 54 -1127 31 -18 2651 -25 2712 -8 58 17 103 64 122
130 15 50 17 232 17 2025 1 1923 1 1971 -18 2009 -11 21 -35 53 -54 72 -67 65
-59 64 -746 64 -711 0 -700 -1 -865 81 -89 44 -118 65 -191 138 -73 72 -95
101 -134 181 -79 162 -79 155 -71 875 4 347 9 638 11 648 5 16 29 17 319 17
172 0 321 -3 329 -6z m11164 -538 c56 -77 102 -145 102 -152 0 -21 -96 -131
-230 -264 -354 -351 -752 -741 -1080 -1056 -416 -401 -854 -842 -920 -929
l-45 -58 -3 -556 c-2 -305 -1 -565 3 -578 3 -14 16 -25 33 -29 105 -26 206
-114 264 -232 l43 -86 0 -116 c0 -113 -1 -118 -35 -185 -40 -79 -88 -132 -143
-159 -21 -9 -41 -24 -44 -32 -5 -14 64 -263 91 -329 10 -24 23 -36 43 -41 156
-35 248 -84 349 -184 238 -236 242 -582 9 -816 -130 -131 -265 -193 -435 -201
-128 -6 -197 9 -320 69 -152 74 -267 212 -320 383 -73 239 32 522 248 662 29
19 57 45 62 58 7 17 0 59 -26 157 -46 173 -49 180 -104 198 -161 54 -266 155
-310 298 -58 187 -19 335 131 499 l39 42 -7 734 -6 733 25 55 c33 68 86 123
483 495 176 165 419 397 540 515 122 118 326 313 455 434 129 121 331 314 450
429 118 115 272 260 342 323 71 63 133 123 139 135 10 19 13 17 43 -29 18 -26
78 -111 134 -187z m-7796 -1007 c115 -25 193 -91 255 -217 35 -70 38 -82 38
-161 -1 -101 -24 -168 -83 -246 -67 -89 -109 -112 -249 -141 -19 -3 -22 -12
-28 -86 -3 -46 -5 -711 -3 -1478 l3 -1395 23 -55 c13 -30 64 -121 113 -202 49
-81 102 -173 117 -205 l27 -58 3 -1508 c2 -1022 -1 -1520 -8 -1545 -13 -47
-51 -76 -247 -186 -84 -47 -170 -97 -193 -112 -22 -15 -44 -24 -48 -20 -4 4
-9 746 -12 1649 l-5 1642 -32 70 c-17 39 -63 126 -102 195 -117 206 -105 -23
-102 1957 2 1889 -1 1792 58 1893 59 100 157 181 252 206 59 16 155 17 223 3z
m-11015 -169 c83 -29 149 -78 223 -166 108 -129 76 -117 300 -109 1326 43
1525 46 3165 57 2418 17 2190 18 2250 -12 59 -30 105 -86 135 -167 26 -70 23
-129 -13 -200 -34 -65 -68 -100 -125 -126 l-47 -22 -1805 3 c-993 1 -2244 5
-2781 9 l-976 6 -47 -71 c-114 -172 -270 -262 -453 -262 -250 0 -476 189 -529
443 -40 188 48 408 214 536 65 50 140 86 209 100 70 15 213 5 280 -19z m14193
-325 c56 -29 90 -95 90 -174 0 -89 -40 -153 -117 -188 -49 -23 -59 -24 -100
-14 -53 14 -103 46 -135 86 -47 60 -32 209 26 264 53 50 166 62 236 26z
m-7147 -757 c4 -62 7 -139 7 -171 0 -53 -2 -58 -26 -67 -33 -13 -304 -13 -324
0 -12 7 -16 40 -18 165 -2 86 -1 162 2 170 4 12 36 15 179 15 l174 0 6 -112z
m12151 -127 c118 -58 203 -180 213 -305 12 -150 -80 -305 -229 -383 -48 -25
-63 -28 -153 -28 -95 0 -103 2 -163 34 -79 43 -125 94 -170 189 -32 68 -36 84
-36 161 -1 73 3 95 26 143 47 100 137 180 241 214 27 9 71 13 125 10 68 -3 95
-10 146 -35z m-5709 -256 c98 -26 199 -90 300 -190 166 -165 236 -362 200
-567 -29 -167 -89 -282 -203 -390 -80 -75 -138 -111 -232 -143 -256 -87 -487
-42 -681 134 -143 129 -215 280 -226 471 -7 126 15 229 74 348 59 120 212 259
348 317 110 47 287 55 420 20z m4403 -362 l-3 -188 -179 -3 c-137 -2 -181 1
-188 10 -4 7 -8 93 -8 191 l0 177 190 0 190 0 -2 -187z m-15976 98 c67 -26
148 -95 184 -158 35 -58 64 -154 64 -208 0 -176 -145 -331 -340 -365 -45 -8
-281 -10 -770 -8 l-705 3 -58 27 c-80 38 -160 117 -200 197 -30 61 -32 73 -32
166 1 89 4 106 28 156 36 72 106 142 176 176 l56 28 565 6 c867 9 963 7 1032
-20z m1545 -87 c74 -36 147 -109 181 -182 23 -50 27 -69 27 -157 -1 -89 -4
-106 -28 -157 -55 -113 -157 -188 -284 -210 -320 -54 -560 330 -365 587 49 64
122 119 186 139 81 25 211 16 283 -20z m4291 -309 c100 -30 195 -129 233 -244
30 -90 24 -205 -16 -287 -37 -75 -110 -148 -183 -182 -50 -24 -69 -27 -157
-27 -90 0 -105 3 -154 28 -92 49 -181 162 -205 259 -13 57 -8 172 11 221 41
106 137 202 234 232 59 18 174 18 237 0z m11756 -584 c3 -5 7 -91 8 -192 3
-213 1 -221 -78 -283 -124 -99 -549 -427 -799 -616 -93 -71 -185 -141 -203
-156 -18 -15 -35 -24 -38 -21 -9 9 -33 107 -54 225 -17 92 -18 116 -8 132 16
26 150 141 288 247 58 45 175 137 260 204 85 68 253 196 372 286 119 90 220
167 223 173 8 12 22 13 29 1z m-18951 -424 c68 -32 141 -107 179 -184 28 -58
30 -68 26 -150 -5 -109 -34 -169 -120 -248 -75 -69 -131 -89 -242 -83 -96 5
-154 30 -215 92 -139 144 -143 347 -8 493 41 44 114 89 172 104 50 14 153 1
208 -24z m4380 -64 c12 -123 8 -339 -6 -351 -7 -6 -82 -12 -177 -14 l-165 -3
-3 205 c-1 112 0 210 2 217 4 10 46 13 174 13 l169 0 6 -67z m-1304 -138 c256
-87 476 -340 522 -600 25 -144 -13 -343 -89 -470 -42 -69 -158 -194 -220 -237
-226 -156 -498 -181 -738 -69 -168 78 -300 211 -374 374 -52 116 -64 173 -63
297 0 102 4 126 32 210 90 268 267 442 521 510 113 30 294 24 409 -15z m9919
-214 c17 -10 31 -334 15 -344 -12 -7 -332 -12 -339 -5 -23 24 -13 318 13 343
11 12 44 15 156 15 78 0 148 -4 155 -9z m-1302 -603 c72 -5 69 34 72 -773 l3
-722 -27 -33 c-26 -30 -82 -61 -148 -81 -71 -21 -143 32 -166 122 -17 66 -10
1405 7 1435 7 12 25 30 40 40 31 21 126 34 160 22 13 -4 39 -8 59 -10z
m-10201 -40 c9 -24 20 -310 13 -321 -5 -8 -60 -13 -171 -15 -213 -5 -200 -16
-195 177 2 80 7 152 11 159 6 9 52 12 173 12 123 0 166 -3 169 -12z m11524
-135 c141 -45 248 -227 222 -374 -22 -128 -112 -233 -228 -269 -94 -29 -185
-27 -251 6 -67 33 -135 103 -170 173 -39 80 -38 181 3 266 37 78 134 176 195
198 60 21 165 21 229 0z m155 -1315 c4 -84 3 -166 -2 -183 -7 -25 -33 -44
-173 -123 -398 -227 -489 -277 -859 -472 -102 -53 -279 -149 -395 -212 -261
-143 -557 -290 -567 -280 -3 4 -10 75 -14 158 -8 179 -1 213 54 248 21 12 210
112 422 221 212 108 410 212 440 230 311 185 1063 581 1081 569 4 -2 10 -73
13 -156z m-5904 -418 l0 -180 -26 -10 c-14 -6 -115 -10 -224 -10 -171 0 -199
2 -204 16 -8 21 -8 349 1 357 3 4 107 7 230 7 l223 0 0 -180z m1801 -996 c173
-62 344 -230 406 -402 61 -166 33 -365 -73 -523 -91 -135 -213 -218 -384 -260
-241 -60 -509 53 -659 276 -74 111 -96 185 -96 325 0 122 11 173 62 276 71
146 225 275 380 319 74 21 292 15 364 -11z"/>
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75 -223 41z"/>
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210 -142 417 -46 121 -104 274 -127 340 -47 135 -87 225 -100 225 -4 0 -11 -8
-15 -17z"/>
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217 83 305 118 144 57 270 100 565 194 147 46 169 57 176 89 30 133 67 239
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71 223 180 282 59 32 69 34 153 34 78 -1 97 -4 145 -29 74 -38 125 -89 163
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27 95 c50 174 117 318 215 465 59 88 188 224 350 370 l78 70 9 75 c5 41 10
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12 96 18 8 6 40 14 71 18 45 5 100 27 242 98 101 51 188 97 194 102 5 5 16 9
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4 1049 2 1100 -6 131 -23 269 -122 320 -229 23 -47 29 -74 32 -153 2 -53 -1
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-12 -2897 3 -2290 6 -2875 16 -2905 10 -29 144 -168 596 -620 675 -674 1091
-1112 1324 -1395 69 -83 142 -199 142 -224 0 -21 -322 -42 -360 -23 -41 22
-388 387 -650 685 -41 47 -114 128 -161 180 -112 124 -475 548 -659 770 -174
211 -283 338 -454 530 -155 174 -268 308 -302 360 -20 30 -27 59 -35 136 -15
151 -14 5520 0 5604 37 205 157 383 326 485 110 66 197 87 390 94 278 10 3623
1 3680 -10z m-11439 -170 c314 -55 632 -304 789 -618 84 -167 134 -391 121
-541 -19 -205 -83 -397 -184 -549 -207 -312 -563 -501 -946 -501 -150 0 -289
36 -461 121 -281 138 -521 455 -590 782 -19 89 -19 294 0 394 85 442 409 795
830 904 82 21 343 26 441 8z m-1568 -223 c2 -110 -1 -193 -6 -198 -14 -14
-433 -11 -446 2 -12 12 -16 354 -4 365 7 7 307 23 398 21 l55 -1 3 -189z
m-1940 -59 l5 -174 -99 -73 c-91 -68 -535 -364 -629 -420 -46 -27 -145 -91
-465 -300 -399 -260 -432 -281 -438 -275 -20 19 -30 361 -12 395 13 25 151
117 615 410 220 139 440 280 490 313 167 113 510 315 519 307 5 -5 11 -87 14
-183z m5569 -215 c30 -19 24 -503 -7 -522 -25 -16 -162 -22 -455 -21 -306 1
-357 4 -374 25 -19 22 -31 133 -31 275 0 146 10 214 33 228 7 4 46 10 87 14
110 9 733 10 747 1z m9373 -649 c61 -27 126 -93 156 -156 18 -40 24 -69 24
-123 0 -107 -23 -168 -91 -236 -48 -48 -67 -60 -128 -79 -163 -49 -311 12
-383 158 -83 169 -29 355 124 433 60 30 67 31 158 28 68 -3 108 -10 140 -25z
m-2792 -53 c123 -65 177 -159 176 -305 0 -66 -5 -89 -26 -131 -91 -176 -298
-241 -470 -147 -61 33 -103 80 -137 153 -37 78 -37 200 0 280 39 83 117 151
209 181 14 5 61 7 105 6 69 -3 89 -8 143 -37z m5845 -289 c-1 -90 -6 -168 -11
-173 -5 -5 -87 -10 -181 -11 -202 -2 -201 -3 -201 97 0 68 18 234 26 248 3 4
87 7 187 6 l182 -3 -2 -164z m-12571 -155 c58 -22 114 -75 142 -135 18 -40 21
-65 21 -186 0 -156 -17 -254 -47 -282 -18 -16 -41 -18 -202 -18 -255 1 -257 3
-321 191 l-27 82 -45 6 c-25 3 -130 6 -233 6 l-187 0 -7 71 c-6 66 -3 140 10
247 l5 44 422 -4 c370 -4 428 -7 469 -22z m-3477 -118 c3 -29 5 -118 3 -198
l-3 -145 -110 -3 c-133 -4 -326 6 -346 18 -17 11 -25 245 -12 320 11 57 11 57
265 59 l197 1 6 -52z m14907 10 c72 -33 142 -103 176 -176 24 -51 27 -68 27
-167 0 -96 -3 -116 -24 -155 -55 -104 -120 -158 -223 -186 -103 -27 -222 -9
-310 47 -53 34 -82 70 -124 149 -27 51 -29 64 -29 160 0 123 18 172 94 253 76
81 146 108 271 104 66 -2 98 -9 142 -29z m-14284 -556 c74 -38 131 -94 163
-160 21 -40 24 -62 24 -152 0 -89 -3 -112 -23 -152 -37 -74 -96 -134 -169
-170 -60 -29 -74 -32 -162 -33 -87 0 -100 3 -143 27 -59 35 -121 106 -161 183
-27 53 -31 70 -32 145 0 71 4 94 26 140 35 74 108 153 172 185 48 24 60 26
147 23 83 -4 103 -8 158 -36z m-3610 -405 c293 -85 512 -391 488 -682 -19
-223 -145 -414 -342 -517 -219 -115 -408 -115 -639 0 -88 43 -225 178 -272
267 -50 96 -77 198 -77 295 0 109 15 173 71 289 82 172 241 302 425 351 106
28 244 26 346 -3z m13360 -25 c155 -60 275 -218 305 -402 23 -148 -55 -321
-184 -411 l-64 -45 3 -1174 c1 -646 6 -1243 10 -1326 l8 -151 44 -48 c25 -27
83 -90 130 -140 47 -49 185 -200 306 -335 304 -336 537 -591 804 -880 517
-559 830 -937 830 -1001 0 -14 -22 -17 -177 -23 -98 -4 -197 -9 -221 -13 -41
-5 -44 -4 -95 48 -371 382 -366 377 -842 894 -121 131 -308 333 -415 448 -495
530 -777 845 -810 907 -12 21 -13 259 -12 1398 l2 1374 -32 26 c-161 133 -237
267 -238 417 -1 201 149 394 350 452 66 19 231 11 298 -15z m1385 -202 c74
-23 162 -83 225 -155 123 -140 158 -358 82 -512 -39 -78 -132 -175 -206 -215
-189 -102 -426 -66 -580 89 -215 214 -157 606 111 757 107 60 246 74 368 36z
m3001 -531 c68 -25 140 -93 176 -164 32 -64 41 -210 17 -280 -33 -96 -111
-175 -209 -212 -24 -9 -78 -16 -123 -17 -69 -1 -88 3 -137 27 -73 36 -139 100
-174 168 -39 76 -46 208 -15 290 37 97 116 170 224 205 56 18 169 11 241 -17z
m-15871 -715 c163 -42 339 -177 442 -339 162 -253 130 -569 -78 -792 -203
-217 -477 -288 -734 -191 -126 48 -193 90 -283 178 -197 194 -255 487 -148
746 78 188 258 348 448 398 76 20 275 20 353 0z m1607 -494 c13 -24 16 -318 4
-330 -16 -15 -297 -24 -323 -11 -22 12 -22 15 -19 170 2 115 7 162 17 174 11
14 36 17 162 17 137 0 149 -1 159 -20z m7162 -49 c161 -62 272 -209 298 -392
33 -233 -143 -486 -369 -529 -250 -47 -473 80 -557 318 -42 121 -28 307 31
408 53 90 150 167 260 207 72 25 257 19 337 -12z m-10424 -279 c19 -13 32 -69
39 -172 7 -119 -5 -168 -52 -209 -33 -28 -42 -31 -106 -31 -81 0 -126 17 -157
60 -38 51 -47 108 -34 206 12 92 29 129 65 144 28 11 228 12 245 2z m6142 -13
c25 -11 72 -44 105 -72 l59 -52 317 3 c373 4 338 19 342 -144 3 -150 14 -144
-257 -143 -116 0 -251 4 -301 8 -77 7 -92 6 -105 -8 -27 -29 -132 -112 -164
-129 -42 -22 -187 -22 -237 0 -139 61 -212 245 -152 380 28 61 98 136 148 159
58 27 185 25 245 -2z m-6913 -166 c24 -31 28 -332 4 -371 -12 -20 -62 -32
-137 -32 -85 0 -136 17 -155 52 -18 33 -22 230 -7 303 12 57 15 60 48 67 60
11 233 -2 247 -19z m15347 -292 c128 -63 218 -171 252 -302 21 -81 15 -202
-15 -279 -19 -50 -19 -56 -5 -80 22 -36 1798 -1803 1862 -1852 31 -24 70 -44
95 -49 23 -4 227 -8 452 -9 441 0 492 -5 562 -53 100 -68 136 -309 66 -446
-23 -46 -37 -60 -78 -81 l-50 -25 -501 0 -501 0 -79 59 c-131 97 -1920 1903
-2156 2175 l-46 53 -98 15 c-132 19 -180 42 -252 117 -250 260 -159 673 173
783 26 8 77 12 147 10 96 -3 113 -6 172 -36z m3264 -685 c256 -135 353 -427
226 -679 -37 -72 -142 -172 -218 -208 -282 -132 -638 61 -686 373 -35 226 107
463 324 540 41 15 74 18 166 15 111 -3 117 -4 188 -41z m-7353 -186 c142 -20
264 -112 326 -245 113 -240 -42 -533 -309 -585 -189 -37 -371 60 -464 246 -37
75 -42 95 -46 170 -4 76 -1 93 23 157 23 58 42 85 94 138 113 112 209 142 376
119z m-3840 -119 c333 -81 653 -388 736 -708 29 -111 41 -431 37 -987 -2 -358
-6 -458 -16 -468 -17 -17 -629 -15 -646 2 -8 8 -13 186 -17 588 -5 372 -11
592 -18 620 -40 153 -166 272 -331 313 -46 12 -528 14 -2935 14 -3031 -1
-2980 0 -3081 -45 -101 -44 -200 -176 -225 -300 -7 -36 -12 -247 -13 -605 -1
-302 -6 -558 -10 -567 -16 -35 -72 -41 -352 -35 -148 3 -280 7 -293 9 -19 2
-27 12 -33 37 -5 18 -7 329 -5 690 4 706 2 684 59 846 73 212 230 395 438 512
105 60 216 93 340 102 47 3 1478 6 3180 5 l3095 -1 90 -22z m-1780 -1551 c170
-43 328 -169 372 -295 23 -63 26 -316 5 -337 -11 -11 -395 -13 -2065 -13
l-2052 0 -6 65 c-14 154 20 285 97 370 94 104 284 205 419 223 17 2 732 5
1591 6 1532 1 1562 1 1639 -19z m421 -1691 c202 -28 304 -107 413 -319 42 -81
376 -900 579 -1420 33 -85 122 -310 197 -500 76 -190 193 -489 260 -665 68
-176 144 -373 169 -437 57 -146 96 -279 96 -327 0 -20 -11 -60 -25 -87 -82
-164 -212 -222 -481 -211 -168 6 -231 27 -315 105 -72 66 -98 110 -160 262
l-48 115 -758 3 c-417 1 -768 0 -780 -3 -17 -4 -39 -39 -93 -148 -81 -165
-121 -223 -185 -267 -76 -52 -147 -73 -267 -78 -235 -9 -405 59 -486 196 -24
42 -27 56 -26 132 2 109 18 161 189 590 159 400 238 602 299 768 25 68 150
383 277 700 127 317 289 725 360 905 155 396 193 471 274 553 126 127 275 166
511 133z m-6683 -40 c88 -45 232 -177 767 -704 202 -198 392 -380 423 -404 55
-42 59 -43 85 -30 15 8 216 201 447 429 551 544 645 629 779 700 l58 30 512 0
511 0 50 -24 c57 -26 98 -70 129 -136 l21 -45 3 -1740 c2 -1247 0 -1755 -8
-1792 -14 -66 -59 -133 -112 -168 -65 -43 -190 -50 -693 -39 -403 9 -422 10
-461 31 -65 35 -131 114 -144 176 -9 38 -11 280 -8 875 1 452 1 822 -2 822
-17 0 -466 -411 -745 -680 -145 -140 -268 -242 -330 -272 -38 -18 -44 -19 -75
-5 -76 33 -230 172 -889 803 -98 94 -177 162 -182 157 -5 -5 -10 -393 -11
-863 -3 -963 3 -886 -82 -974 -69 -71 -74 -71 -613 -69 -295 1 -487 6 -512 13
-55 15 -134 89 -168 158 l-28 57 -3 1734 c-3 1906 -6 1791 58 1879 16 23 53
55 82 72 l53 30 523 0 c514 0 524 0 565 -21z m13053 -3 c130 -40 195 -126 380
-501 79 -159 179 -355 222 -435 178 -328 186 -340 203 -340 20 0 94 135 302
555 121 242 237 471 260 510 57 98 115 157 195 196 60 29 78 33 173 37 181 8
279 -28 382 -138 87 -92 112 -146 111 -235 -2 -83 -25 -153 -120 -353 -36 -75
-100 -213 -141 -307 -41 -93 -139 -305 -218 -470 -318 -667 -428 -907 -457
-994 -21 -63 -22 -87 -29 -621 -4 -397 -10 -566 -19 -595 -32 -103 -128 -194
-232 -222 -90 -23 -214 -27 -298 -9 -196 42 -297 145 -320 327 -5 47 -10 285
-10 552 l0 468 -26 77 c-26 79 -119 277 -379 807 -141 287 -271 552 -478 975
-114 235 -137 298 -137 385 0 85 37 160 112 231 101 96 192 126 363 120 61 -3
133 -11 161 -20z m3115 10 c117 -21 197 -71 258 -160 59 -87 55 -18 61 -1221
l5 -1110 23 -70 c33 -97 62 -144 129 -205 105 -96 243 -137 360 -107 90 24
148 54 211 111 74 68 118 140 144 234 22 76 22 91 27 1177 6 1091 6 1100 27
1146 44 95 133 166 244 195 112 29 334 9 425 -39 44 -22 111 -90 134 -135 43
-84 43 -108 33 -1347 -9 -1131 -10 -1184 -30 -1272 -26 -117 -66 -242 -99
-307 -79 -158 -254 -361 -407 -474 -129 -94 -309 -169 -519 -214 -327 -70
-756 24 -1045 229 -145 103 -305 279 -386 425 -45 82 -100 241 -128 375 l-23
108 0 1075 c0 1281 0 1295 40 1376 87 177 273 253 516 210z m3345 3 c43 -6
101 -20 131 -30 66 -25 153 -103 184 -166 l24 -48 5 -610 c3 -339 9 -616 14
-624 8 -12 88 -13 534 -8 289 4 528 9 531 13 3 3 8 281 11 617 l5 612 24 48
c31 63 129 151 200 179 82 32 286 33 386 1 111 -36 197 -118 228 -217 18 -61
18 -3367 -1 -3446 -15 -65 -67 -147 -115 -185 -57 -43 -141 -67 -252 -73 -122
-5 -192 8 -285 54 -81 41 -130 93 -162 173 -22 56 -23 60 -26 699 l-3 642
-542 -2 -542 -3 -2 -535 c-3 -657 -10 -775 -47 -847 -64 -128 -190 -193 -371
-193 -147 0 -257 40 -340 124 -110 111 -100 -79 -103 1836 -2 1222 0 1680 8
1720 29 139 154 246 313 269 88 12 106 12 193 0z m-7921 -49 c62 -13 146 -62
206 -121 93 -91 145 -261 119 -392 -28 -143 -134 -279 -257 -328 l-58 -24
-807 4 -808 3 -10 -26 c-6 -17 -10 -150 -10 -335 l0 -309 23 -6 c12 -3 278 -6
590 -6 548 0 570 -1 629 -21 86 -29 137 -61 196 -123 161 -170 158 -414 -8
-576 -31 -31 -83 -68 -115 -84 -112 -53 -157 -56 -756 -56 -431 0 -551 -3
-554 -12 -2 -7 -8 -283 -13 -613 -9 -651 -8 -641 -67 -726 -33 -46 -119 -103
-190 -125 -72 -22 -200 -29 -279 -15 -105 18 -170 47 -229 101 -78 71 -104
136 -117 286 -11 133 -12 2188 -2 2854 l7 415 27 56 c42 85 104 141 192 172
21 8 338 13 996 18 1030 6 1216 5 1295 -11z m7301 -4957 c167 -3 304 -9 304
-12 -2 -25 -196 -225 -490 -505 -157 -149 -386 -370 -510 -491 -124 -121 -358
-348 -520 -505 -162 -157 -405 -393 -540 -525 -135 -132 -339 -330 -454 -440
-185 -178 -496 -510 -539 -576 -15 -22 -16 -202 -15 -1999 1 -2073 2 -2014
-42 -2100 -78 -153 -276 -219 -425 -143 -85 44 -139 95 -172 161 l-28 57 -3
2074 -2 2074 26 45 c31 53 263 286 639 642 148 140 398 379 555 531 157 151
375 360 485 464 313 296 708 669 840 795 363 346 529 480 573 465 7 -3 150 -8
318 -12z m-3073 -3 c172 0 197 -2 197 -16 0 -18 -239 -264 -445 -457 -82 -77
-202 -190 -265 -251 -63 -61 -180 -174 -260 -251 -80 -77 -221 -212 -315 -300
-93 -88 -224 -212 -290 -275 -66 -64 -167 -160 -225 -215 -58 -55 -190 -183
-295 -285 -104 -102 -307 -297 -450 -432 -261 -248 -505 -496 -537 -546 -16
-25 -18 -101 -24 -943 l-7 -915 60 -22 c128 -47 263 -164 321 -278 79 -157 82
-279 10 -452 -27 -65 -45 -90 -117 -163 -97 -97 -171 -140 -285 -164 -76 -15
-177 -8 -251 18 -138 49 -269 167 -335 299 -100 202 -72 420 77 601 26 32 59
73 71 90 l24 32 -6 240 c-3 132 -9 616 -12 1075 l-7 836 23 44 c43 85 129 177
491 525 200 193 487 469 639 615 311 301 676 650 825 790 536 504 644 603 795
726 111 90 97 86 255 80 77 -3 229 -6 338 -6z m-1465 -12 c-10 -29 -229 -212
-483 -404 -148 -113 -339 -259 -424 -327 -200 -158 -243 -187 -316 -209 -73
-23 -116 -17 -179 22 -156 99 -180 335 -44 428 24 16 133 77 243 137 231 124
375 212 494 302 l85 63 314 0 c246 0 313 -3 310 -12z m-11134 -304 c3 -9 6
-59 7 -112 1 -137 14 -320 23 -329 4 -4 727 -10 1606 -13 879 -3 1602 -8 1606
-13 15 -15 -18 -144 -59 -227 -76 -154 -230 -282 -441 -366 -170 -67 -111 -65
-1451 -62 l-1210 3 -72 23 c-264 81 -480 231 -604 420 -53 81 -84 164 -99 267
-11 80 -13 263 -4 353 l7 62 161 3 c480 8 524 8 530 -9z m7983 1 c77 -23 136
-74 174 -150 30 -61 31 -69 27 -152 -5 -101 -24 -146 -85 -205 -44 -43 -108
-73 -175 -83 -103 -15 -222 54 -283 166 -25 47 -29 64 -29 129 1 129 58 226
166 279 70 35 125 40 205 16z m-2853 -1 c15 -6 16 -58 15 -528 -1 -583 -1
-588 61 -647 78 -74 67 -73 785 -74 l640 0 70 -24 c186 -62 348 -216 444 -423
80 -171 74 22 78 -2335 5 -2324 8 -2190 -60 -2356 -62 -152 -189 -308 -321
-392 -70 -44 -176 -89 -266 -111 -72 -18 -141 -19 -1545 -19 l-1470 0 -86 31
c-222 79 -364 211 -446 414 -53 132 -53 132 -53 1010 l1 815 -93 7 c-168 13
-255 53 -374 172 -64 64 -90 100 -124 168 -39 79 -43 95 -48 180 -11 212 91
403 280 526 188 122 455 133 658 26 168 -88 297 -242 347 -411 15 -52 17 -165
22 -1128 6 -1137 5 -1099 54 -1127 31 -18 2651 -25 2712 -8 58 17 103 64 122
130 15 50 17 232 17 2025 1 1923 1 1971 -18 2009 -11 21 -35 53 -54 72 -67 65
-59 64 -746 64 -711 0 -700 -1 -865 81 -89 44 -118 65 -191 138 -73 72 -95
101 -134 181 -79 162 -79 155 -71 875 4 347 9 638 11 648 5 16 29 17 319 17
172 0 321 -3 329 -6z m11164 -538 c56 -77 102 -145 102 -152 0 -21 -96 -131
-230 -264 -354 -351 -752 -741 -1080 -1056 -416 -401 -854 -842 -920 -929
l-45 -58 -3 -556 c-2 -305 -1 -565 3 -578 3 -14 16 -25 33 -29 105 -26 206
-114 264 -232 l43 -86 0 -116 c0 -113 -1 -118 -35 -185 -40 -79 -88 -132 -143
-159 -21 -9 -41 -24 -44 -32 -5 -14 64 -263 91 -329 10 -24 23 -36 43 -41 156
-35 248 -84 349 -184 238 -236 242 -582 9 -816 -130 -131 -265 -193 -435 -201
-128 -6 -197 9 -320 69 -152 74 -267 212 -320 383 -73 239 32 522 248 662 29
19 57 45 62 58 7 17 0 59 -26 157 -46 173 -49 180 -104 198 -161 54 -266 155
-310 298 -58 187 -19 335 131 499 l39 42 -7 734 -6 733 25 55 c33 68 86 123
483 495 176 165 419 397 540 515 122 118 326 313 455 434 129 121 331 314 450
429 118 115 272 260 342 323 71 63 133 123 139 135 10 19 13 17 43 -29 18 -26
78 -111 134 -187z m-7796 -1007 c115 -25 193 -91 255 -217 35 -70 38 -82 38
-161 -1 -101 -24 -168 -83 -246 -67 -89 -109 -112 -249 -141 -19 -3 -22 -12
-28 -86 -3 -46 -5 -711 -3 -1478 l3 -1395 23 -55 c13 -30 64 -121 113 -202 49
-81 102 -173 117 -205 l27 -58 3 -1508 c2 -1022 -1 -1520 -8 -1545 -13 -47
-51 -76 -247 -186 -84 -47 -170 -97 -193 -112 -22 -15 -44 -24 -48 -20 -4 4
-9 746 -12 1649 l-5 1642 -32 70 c-17 39 -63 126 -102 195 -117 206 -105 -23
-102 1957 2 1889 -1 1792 58 1893 59 100 157 181 252 206 59 16 155 17 223 3z
m-11015 -169 c83 -29 149 -78 223 -166 108 -129 76 -117 300 -109 1326 43
1525 46 3165 57 2418 17 2190 18 2250 -12 59 -30 105 -86 135 -167 26 -70 23
-129 -13 -200 -34 -65 -68 -100 -125 -126 l-47 -22 -1805 3 c-993 1 -2244 5
-2781 9 l-976 6 -47 -71 c-114 -172 -270 -262 -453 -262 -250 0 -476 189 -529
443 -40 188 48 408 214 536 65 50 140 86 209 100 70 15 213 5 280 -19z m14193
-325 c56 -29 90 -95 90 -174 0 -89 -40 -153 -117 -188 -49 -23 -59 -24 -100
-14 -53 14 -103 46 -135 86 -47 60 -32 209 26 264 53 50 166 62 236 26z
m-7147 -757 c4 -62 7 -139 7 -171 0 -53 -2 -58 -26 -67 -33 -13 -304 -13 -324
0 -12 7 -16 40 -18 165 -2 86 -1 162 2 170 4 12 36 15 179 15 l174 0 6 -112z
m12151 -127 c118 -58 203 -180 213 -305 12 -150 -80 -305 -229 -383 -48 -25
-63 -28 -153 -28 -95 0 -103 2 -163 34 -79 43 -125 94 -170 189 -32 68 -36 84
-36 161 -1 73 3 95 26 143 47 100 137 180 241 214 27 9 71 13 125 10 68 -3 95
-10 146 -35z m-5709 -256 c98 -26 199 -90 300 -190 166 -165 236 -362 200
-567 -29 -167 -89 -282 -203 -390 -80 -75 -138 -111 -232 -143 -256 -87 -487
-42 -681 134 -143 129 -215 280 -226 471 -7 126 15 229 74 348 59 120 212 259
348 317 110 47 287 55 420 20z m4403 -362 l-3 -188 -179 -3 c-137 -2 -181 1
-188 10 -4 7 -8 93 -8 191 l0 177 190 0 190 0 -2 -187z m-15976 98 c67 -26
148 -95 184 -158 35 -58 64 -154 64 -208 0 -176 -145 -331 -340 -365 -45 -8
-281 -10 -770 -8 l-705 3 -58 27 c-80 38 -160 117 -200 197 -30 61 -32 73 -32
166 1 89 4 106 28 156 36 72 106 142 176 176 l56 28 565 6 c867 9 963 7 1032
-20z m1545 -87 c74 -36 147 -109 181 -182 23 -50 27 -69 27 -157 -1 -89 -4
-106 -28 -157 -55 -113 -157 -188 -284 -210 -320 -54 -560 330 -365 587 49 64
122 119 186 139 81 25 211 16 283 -20z m4291 -309 c100 -30 195 -129 233 -244
30 -90 24 -205 -16 -287 -37 -75 -110 -148 -183 -182 -50 -24 -69 -27 -157
-27 -90 0 -105 3 -154 28 -92 49 -181 162 -205 259 -13 57 -8 172 11 221 41
106 137 202 234 232 59 18 174 18 237 0z m11756 -584 c3 -5 7 -91 8 -192 3
-213 1 -221 -78 -283 -124 -99 -549 -427 -799 -616 -93 -71 -185 -141 -203
-156 -18 -15 -35 -24 -38 -21 -9 9 -33 107 -54 225 -17 92 -18 116 -8 132 16
26 150 141 288 247 58 45 175 137 260 204 85 68 253 196 372 286 119 90 220
167 223 173 8 12 22 13 29 1z m-18951 -424 c68 -32 141 -107 179 -184 28 -58
30 -68 26 -150 -5 -109 -34 -169 -120 -248 -75 -69 -131 -89 -242 -83 -96 5
-154 30 -215 92 -139 144 -143 347 -8 493 41 44 114 89 172 104 50 14 153 1
208 -24z m4380 -64 c12 -123 8 -339 -6 -351 -7 -6 -82 -12 -177 -14 l-165 -3
-3 205 c-1 112 0 210 2 217 4 10 46 13 174 13 l169 0 6 -67z m-1304 -138 c256
-87 476 -340 522 -600 25 -144 -13 -343 -89 -470 -42 -69 -158 -194 -220 -237
-226 -156 -498 -181 -738 -69 -168 78 -300 211 -374 374 -52 116 -64 173 -63
297 0 102 4 126 32 210 90 268 267 442 521 510 113 30 294 24 409 -15z m9919
-214 c17 -10 31 -334 15 -344 -12 -7 -332 -12 -339 -5 -23 24 -13 318 13 343
11 12 44 15 156 15 78 0 148 -4 155 -9z m-1302 -603 c72 -5 69 34 72 -773 l3
-722 -27 -33 c-26 -30 -82 -61 -148 -81 -71 -21 -143 32 -166 122 -17 66 -10
1405 7 1435 7 12 25 30 40 40 31 21 126 34 160 22 13 -4 39 -8 59 -10z
m-10201 -40 c9 -24 20 -310 13 -321 -5 -8 -60 -13 -171 -15 -213 -5 -200 -16
-195 177 2 80 7 152 11 159 6 9 52 12 173 12 123 0 166 -3 169 -12z m11524
-135 c141 -45 248 -227 222 -374 -22 -128 -112 -233 -228 -269 -94 -29 -185
-27 -251 6 -67 33 -135 103 -170 173 -39 80 -38 181 3 266 37 78 134 176 195
198 60 21 165 21 229 0z m155 -1315 c4 -84 3 -166 -2 -183 -7 -25 -33 -44
-173 -123 -398 -227 -489 -277 -859 -472 -102 -53 -279 -149 -395 -212 -261
-143 -557 -290 -567 -280 -3 4 -10 75 -14 158 -8 179 -1 213 54 248 21 12 210
112 422 221 212 108 410 212 440 230 311 185 1063 581 1081 569 4 -2 10 -73
13 -156z m-5904 -418 l0 -180 -26 -10 c-14 -6 -115 -10 -224 -10 -171 0 -199
2 -204 16 -8 21 -8 349 1 357 3 4 107 7 230 7 l223 0 0 -180z m1801 -996 c173
-62 344 -230 406 -402 61 -166 33 -365 -73 -523 -91 -135 -213 -218 -384 -260
-241 -60 -509 53 -659 276 -74 111 -96 185 -96 325 0 122 11 173 62 276 71
146 225 275 380 319 74 21 292 15 364 -11z"/>
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210 -142 417 -46 121 -104 274 -127 340 -47 135 -87 225 -100 225 -4 0 -11 -8
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65 82 220 -3 128 -4 138 -27 162 l-24 26 -308 0 -307 0 -26 -31z m642 -172 l2
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342 1305 1029 1768 211 142 421 260 780 440 244 122 338 164 530 237 80 30
217 83 305 118 144 57 270 100 565 194 147 46 169 57 176 89 30 133 67 239
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71 223 180 282 59 32 69 34 153 34 78 -1 97 -4 145 -29 74 -38 125 -89 163
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27 95 c50 174 117 318 215 465 59 88 188 224 350 370 l78 70 9 75 c5 41 10
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-35 267 -148 327 -165 19 -5 73 -23 120 -39 85 -30 136 -42 197 -47 18 -2 50
-9 70 -17 27 -9 98 -13 249 -13 180 0 213 3 227 16 10 11 44 19 99 24 46 4 89
12 96 18 8 6 40 14 71 18 45 5 100 27 242 98 101 51 188 97 194 102 5 5 16 9
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-20 39 -20 7 0 29 -13 47 -30 36 -31 228 -130 254 -130 8 0 38 -15 65 -33 28
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<h2 class="entry-hint-parent">Software
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<p>Just a straight forward list of pretty much everything that makes up my homelab. Or systems I’ve ran in the past.
Operating Systems
Ubuntu 23.04 Ubuntu 22.04 (primary on most systems) CentOS/Fedora 38 (only when Ubuntu doesnt play nice) Debian 11 Proxmox 8 Windows 10/11 TrueNAS Scale (virtualized) CasaOS (zimaboard) pfSense Applications/Containers
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<footer class="entry-footer"><span title='2023-08-26 00:13:40 +0000 UTC'>August 26, 2023</span> · 1 min · 124 words · Mafyuh</footer>
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<description>Just a straight forward list of pretty much everything that makes up my homelab. Or systems I&rsquo;ve ran in the past.
Operating Systems
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<p>Just a straight forward list of pretty much everything that makes up my homelab. Or systems I’ve ran in the past.
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<footer class="entry-footer"><span title='2023-08-26 00:13:40 +0000 UTC'>August 26, 2023</span> · 1 min · 124 words · Mafyuh</footer>
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<description>Just a straight forward list of pretty much everything that makes up my homelab. Or systems I&rsquo;ve ran in the past.
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<title>Resize Ubuntu VM Disk in Proxmox</title>
<pubDate>Tue, 06 Feb 2024 02:58:07 +0000</pubDate>
<description>1st step: Increase/resize disk from GUI console 2nd step: Extend physical drive partition and check free space with: sudo growpart /dev/sda 3 sudo pvdisplay sudo pvresize /dev/sda3 sudo pvdisplay 3rd step: Extend Logical volume sudo lvdisplay sudo lvextend -l +100%FREE /dev/ubuntu-vg/ubuntu-lv sudo lvdisplay 4th step: Resize Filesystem sudo resize2fs /dev/ubuntu-vg/ubuntu-lv sudo fdisk -l </description>
<title>Proton Mail - SimpleLogin authentik Social Login Setup</title>
<pubDate>Sun, 12 Nov 2023 16:20:00 +0000</pubDate>
<description>This is just a quick guide on how to authenticate your authentik users with Proton using SimpleLogin OIDC.
To accomplish this, first create a SimpleLogin acct by logging in with Proton. Once thats done go to and create a website. Give it your authentik URL.
Then go to Oauth Settings and copy your client ID and secret for next step. add your authentik URL in redirect URL like this https://auth.</description>
<title>How To Automate Jellyfin Issue Handling</title>
<pubDate>Sat, 11 Nov 2023 16:20:00 +0000</pubDate>
<description>I wanted a way to automate when users tell me a video on my Jellyfin server has an issue. After alot of trial and error, ChatGPT, Bard and I came up with this automation.
Requirements My only requirements when making this was that it was free and self-hostable. Not even any NPM extensions are required in AP. Actual Software requirements are:
Sonarr Radarr Overseerr/Jellyseerr Optional
SMTP server or ability to send SMTP messages (can also use discord) ActivePieces or any other automation platform that supports TS.</description>
<title>How to authenticate Guacamole via authentik with Cloudflare and Nginx Proxy Manager</title>
<pubDate>Sun, 29 Oct 2023 16:20:00 +0000</pubDate>
<description>authentik&rsquo;s docs have a guide already for Guacamole. You can find that here. Follow all the instructions there, (especially the part where you create a user in Guacamole with the USERNAME of your email. not just filling in the email), but if you are using Cloudflare as our DNS you may run into problems. Such as infinite redirect loop.
Error 403 Forbidden While it was looping, I checked my Guacamole docker container logs in Portainer, and found the 403 Forbidden error.</description>
<title>How to authenticate Zammad via SAML with Nginx Proxy Manager</title>
<pubDate>Sun, 29 Oct 2023 16:20:00 +0000</pubDate>
<description>If you are getting error messages like:
422: the change you wanted was rejected. message from saml: actioncontroller::invalidauthenticitytoken Just make sure you set these in your Nginx Proxy Manager hosts Advanced field:
location / { proxy_pass http://zammad:8080; # Replace proxy_set_header Host $host; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Ssl on; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Port $server_port; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Host $host; } I spent way too long trying to figure this out, reading through Github issues, breaking my SAML provider and Zammad configs, starting over, when the whole time it was just good old nginx header issues.</description>
<title>How To Authenticate KASM via authentik</title>
<pubDate>Sat, 30 Sep 2023 16:20:00 +0000</pubDate>
<description>You could do this with OpenID as well but this method is using SAML. This guide assumes you already have running instances of Kasm Workspaces and authentik.
The official authentik docs dont have a Kasm Integration listed at the time. So I thought I would help out anyone who is trying to integrate these services via SAML. authentik&rsquo;s SAML docs can be found here.
Setting up Kasm In the Kasm Workspaces admin, click Access Management - Authentication - SAML and create a new configuration.</description>
<pubDate>Sat, 26 Aug 2023 00:13:40 +0000</pubDate>
<description>Just a straight forward list of pretty much everything that makes up my homelab. Or systems I&rsquo;ve ran in the past.
Operating Systems
Ubuntu 23.04 Ubuntu 22.04 (primary on most systems) CentOS/Fedora 38 (only when Ubuntu doesnt play nice) Debian 11 Proxmox 8 Windows 10/11 TrueNAS Scale (virtualized) CasaOS (zimaboard) pfSense Applications/Containers
Nginx Proxy Manager Nginx Apache2 Traefik Authentik Portainer Yacht AdGuardHome Pihole Wazuh Zabbix Uptime Kuma Ghost (this blog) Wordpress Hydroxide (proton mail bridge) Calibre Smokeping Openspeedtest Grafana Prometheus InfluxDB PostgresSQL MySQL Watchtower Apache Guacamole Ansible Terraform Packer Vaultwarden Kasm Workspaces Jellyfin Plex Twingate Tailscale Headscale Wireguard LinkStack N8N Gotify Nextcloud Immich AI</description>
@ -0,0 +1,372 @@
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<meta name="description" content="authentik’s docs have a guide already for Guacamole. You can find that here. Follow all the instructions there, (especially the part where you create a user in Guacamole with the USERNAME of your email. not just filling in the email), but if you are using Cloudflare as our DNS you may run into problems. Such as infinite redirect loop.
Error 403 Forbidden While it was looping, I checked my Guacamole docker container logs in Portainer, and found the 403 Forbidden error.">
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<meta property="og:description" content="authentik’s docs have a guide already for Guacamole. You can find that here. Follow all the instructions there, (especially the part where you create a user in Guacamole with the USERNAME of your email. not just filling in the email), but if you are using Cloudflare as our DNS you may run into problems. Such as infinite redirect loop.
Error 403 Forbidden While it was looping, I checked my Guacamole docker container logs in Portainer, and found the 403 Forbidden error." />
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<meta name="twitter:description" content="authentik’s docs have a guide already for Guacamole. You can find that here. Follow all the instructions there, (especially the part where you create a user in Guacamole with the USERNAME of your email. not just filling in the email), but if you are using Cloudflare as our DNS you may run into problems. Such as infinite redirect loop.
Error 403 Forbidden While it was looping, I checked my Guacamole docker container logs in Portainer, and found the 403 Forbidden error."/>
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"description": "authentik\u0026rsquo;s docs have a guide already for Guacamole. You can find that here. Follow all the instructions there, (especially the part where you create a user in Guacamole with the USERNAME of your email. not just filling in the email), but if you are using Cloudflare as our DNS you may run into problems. Such as infinite redirect loop.\nError 403 Forbidden While it was looping, I checked my Guacamole docker container logs in Portainer, and found the 403 Forbidden error.",
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"articleBody": "authentik’s docs have a guide already for Guacamole. You can find that here. Follow all the instructions there, (especially the part where you create a user in Guacamole with the USERNAME of your email. not just filling in the email), but if you are using Cloudflare as our DNS you may run into problems. Such as infinite redirect loop.\nError 403 Forbidden While it was looping, I checked my Guacamole docker container logs in Portainer, and found the 403 Forbidden error.\n22:03:59.418 [http-nio-8080-exec-2] INFO o.a.g.a.o.t.TokenValidationService - Rejected invalid OpenID token: JWT processing failed. Additional details: [[17] Unable to process JOSE object (cause: org.jose4j.lang.UnresolvableKeyException: Unable to find a suitable verification key for JWS w/ header {\"alg\":\"RS256\",\"kid\":\"xxx\",\"typ\":\"JWT\"} due to an unexpected exception ( Non 200 status code (403 Forbidden) returned from while obtaining or using keys from JWKS endpoint at JsonWebSignature{\"alg\":\"RS256\",\"kid\":\"xxx\",\"typ\":\"JWT\"} I assumed it had something to do with my Nginx Proxy Manager and the way I was proxying Guacamole, I do have WebSocket support and block common exploits enabled, their docs give a nginx config that I added under advanced.\nlocation /guacamole/ { proxy_pass http://HOSTNAME:8080; proxy_buffering off; proxy_http_version 1.1; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade; proxy_set_header Connection $http_connection; access_log off; } I messed around with settings individually for hours, reading their docs, tried oznu’s Guacamole image as well, this time with errors about the postgres version being incompatible. Figured it could be something with Cloudflare so turned down my HTTPS settings. Nada. Tried SAML, more errors. Finally found this github issue and thanks to Fma965 for finding the solution.\nGo to your Cloudflare Dashboard. Click on your domains summary and then on the left tab find Rules.\nUnder Page Rules - Create a New Page Rule, set the URL as your jwks URL from authentik’s provider summary. Under pick a setting, choose Browser Integrity Check and make sure its unchecked. Save.\nThis finally got me authenticated into my Guacamole instance via authentik. I spent way too much time on this integration. Anyways, hope this guide helps someone who may be in my shoes.\n",
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<h1 class="post-title entry-hint-parent">
How to authenticate Guacamole via authentik with Cloudflare and Nginx Proxy Manager
<div class="post-meta"><span title='2023-10-29 16:20:00 +0000 UTC'>October 29, 2023</span> · 2 min · 344 words · Mafyuh
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<li><a href="#error-403-forbidden">Error 403 Forbidden</a></li>
<div class="post-content"><p>authentik’s docs have a guide already for Guacamole. You can find that <a href="">here</a>. Follow all the instructions there, (especially the part where you create a user in Guacamole with the USERNAME of your email. not just filling in the email), but if you are using Cloudflare as our DNS you may run into problems. Such as infinite redirect loop.</p>
<h2 id="error-403-forbidden">Error 403 Forbidden<a hidden class="anchor" aria-hidden="true" href="#error-403-forbidden">#</a></h2>
<p>While it was looping, I checked my Guacamole docker container logs in Portainer, and found the 403 Forbidden error.</p>
<div class="highlight"><pre tabindex="0" class="chroma"><code class="language-bash" data-lang="bash"><span class="line"><span class="cl">22:03:59.418 <span class="o">[</span>http-nio-8080-exec-2<span class="o">]</span> INFO o.a.g.a.o.t.TokenValidationService - Rejected invalid OpenID token: JWT processing failed. Additional details: <span class="o">[[</span>17<span class="o">]</span> Unable to process JOSE object <span class="o">(</span>cause: org.jose4j.lang.UnresolvableKeyException: Unable to find a suitable verification key <span class="k">for</span> JWS w/ header <span class="o">{</span><span class="s2">"alg"</span>:<span class="s2">"RS256"</span>,<span class="s2">"kid"</span>:<span class="s2">"xxx"</span>,<span class="s2">"typ"</span>:<span class="s2">"JWT"</span><span class="o">}</span> due to an unexpected exception <span class="o">(</span> Non <span class="m">200</span> status code <span class="o">(</span><span class="m">403</span> Forbidden<span class="o">)</span> returned from<span class="o">)</span> <span class="k">while</span> obtaining or using keys from JWKS endpoint at<span class="o">)</span>: JsonWebSignature<span class="o">{</span><span class="s2">"alg"</span>:<span class="s2">"RS256"</span>,<span class="s2">"kid"</span>:<span class="s2">"xxx"</span>,<span class="s2">"typ"</span>:<span class="s2">"JWT"</span><span class="o">}</span>
</span></span></code></pre></div><p>I assumed it had something to do with my Nginx Proxy Manager and the way I was proxying Guacamole, I do have WebSocket support and block common exploits enabled, their <a href="">docs</a> give a nginx config that I added under advanced.</p>
<div class="highlight"><pre tabindex="0" class="chroma"><code class="language-nginx" data-lang="nginx"><span class="line"><span class="cl"><span class="k">location</span> <span class="s">/guacamole/</span> <span class="p">{</span>
</span></span><span class="line"><span class="cl"> <span class="kn">proxy_pass</span> <span class="s">http://HOSTNAME:8080</span><span class="p">;</span>
</span></span><span class="line"><span class="cl"> <span class="kn">proxy_buffering</span> <span class="no">off</span><span class="p">;</span>
</span></span><span class="line"><span class="cl"> <span class="kn">proxy_http_version</span> <span class="mi">1</span><span class="s">.1</span><span class="p">;</span>
</span></span><span class="line"><span class="cl"> <span class="kn">proxy_set_header</span> <span class="s">X-Forwarded-For</span> <span class="nv">$proxy_add_x_forwarded_for</span><span class="p">;</span>
</span></span><span class="line"><span class="cl"> <span class="kn">proxy_set_header</span> <span class="s">Upgrade</span> <span class="nv">$http_upgrade</span><span class="p">;</span>
</span></span><span class="line"><span class="cl"> <span class="kn">proxy_set_header</span> <span class="s">Connection</span> <span class="nv">$http_connection</span><span class="p">;</span>
</span></span><span class="line"><span class="cl"> <span class="kn">access_log</span> <span class="no">off</span><span class="p">;</span>
</span></span><span class="line"><span class="cl"><span class="p">}</span>
</span></span></code></pre></div><p>I messed around with settings individually for hours, reading their docs, tried <a href="">oznu’s</a> Guacamole image as well, this time with errors about the postgres version being incompatible. Figured it could be something with Cloudflare so turned down my HTTPS settings. Nada. Tried SAML, more errors. Finally found this <a href="">github issue</a> and thanks to <a href="">Fma965</a> for finding the solution.</p>
<p>Go to your Cloudflare Dashboard. Click on your domains summary and then on the left tab find <strong>Rules</strong>.</p>
<p>Under <strong>Page Rules - Create a New Page Rule</strong>, set the URL as your jwks URL from authentik’s provider summary. Under pick a setting, choose Browser Integrity Check and make sure its unchecked. Save.</p>
<p><img loading="lazy" src="/assets/img/pagerules.png" alt="Page Rules Images" />
<p>This finally got me authenticated into my Guacamole instance via authentik. I spent way too much time on this integration. Anyways, hope this guide helps someone who may be in my shoes.</p>
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<title>How To Authenticate KASM via authentik | Mafyuh's Blog</title>
<meta name="keywords" content="">
<meta name="description" content="You could do this with OpenID as well but this method is using SAML. This guide assumes you already have running instances of Kasm Workspaces and authentik.
The official authentik docs dont have a Kasm Integration listed at the time. So I thought I would help out anyone who is trying to integrate these services via SAML. authentik’s SAML docs can be found here.
Setting up Kasm In the Kasm Workspaces admin, click Access Management - Authentication - SAML and create a new configuration.">
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</noscript><meta property="og:title" content="How To Authenticate KASM via authentik" />
<meta property="og:description" content="You could do this with OpenID as well but this method is using SAML. This guide assumes you already have running instances of Kasm Workspaces and authentik.
The official authentik docs dont have a Kasm Integration listed at the time. So I thought I would help out anyone who is trying to integrate these services via SAML. authentik’s SAML docs can be found here.
Setting up Kasm In the Kasm Workspaces admin, click Access Management - Authentication - SAML and create a new configuration." />
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<meta name="twitter:title" content="How To Authenticate KASM via authentik"/>
<meta name="twitter:description" content="You could do this with OpenID as well but this method is using SAML. This guide assumes you already have running instances of Kasm Workspaces and authentik.
The official authentik docs dont have a Kasm Integration listed at the time. So I thought I would help out anyone who is trying to integrate these services via SAML. authentik’s SAML docs can be found here.
Setting up Kasm In the Kasm Workspaces admin, click Access Management - Authentication - SAML and create a new configuration."/>
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"headline": "How To Authenticate KASM via authentik",
"name": "How To Authenticate KASM via authentik",
"description": "You could do this with OpenID as well but this method is using SAML. This guide assumes you already have running instances of Kasm Workspaces and authentik.\nThe official authentik docs dont have a Kasm Integration listed at the time. So I thought I would help out anyone who is trying to integrate these services via SAML. authentik\u0026rsquo;s SAML docs can be found here.\nSetting up Kasm In the Kasm Workspaces admin, click Access Management - Authentication - SAML and create a new configuration.",
"keywords": [
"articleBody": "You could do this with OpenID as well but this method is using SAML. This guide assumes you already have running instances of Kasm Workspaces and authentik.\nThe official authentik docs dont have a Kasm Integration listed at the time. So I thought I would help out anyone who is trying to integrate these services via SAML. authentik’s SAML docs can be found here.\nSetting up Kasm In the Kasm Workspaces admin, click Access Management - Authentication - SAML and create a new configuration. Make sure you enable and make default after testing. You will probably find yourself switching between tabs alot, its best to start creating them both at the same time as you need links from each.\nDisplay Name: authentik Logo URL: (or custom logo) Host Name: authentik NameID Attribute: emailAddress Entity ID: authentik Single Sign On Service/SAML 2.0 Endpoint: X509 Certificate: Skip to authentik setup first, then come back here. In authentik admin, go to your newly created SAML provider, when you click the provider and are brought to its details, you should have the option to Download signing certificate. Download it and paste the files contents here. Setting up authentik In the authentik admin, under Applications, create a new SAML provider. Once you created a provider, create an Application and set its provider to the newly created kasm provider. For simplicity sake, the provider and application name is kasm. (kasms pictured)\nAuthorization flow: implicit ACS URL: (Single Sign-On Service from kasm photo) Issuer: authentik (must be the same as Entity ID chosen in Kasm) Service Binding Provider: Post Audience: ( Entity ID URL from Kasm photo) Under Advanced, choose a signing certificate, default is authentik. Go back to Kasm x509 Certificate. Make sure you save you changes. You should now be able to test SAML at the bottom of the page, once tested, I recommend opening a incognito tab and loading your KASM website.\nYou should now be able to authenticate yourself using SAML via authentik. I recommend going back to your admin session and adding your newly created user to the admin group. Also if it should only be you accessing this via authentik, I would change the kasm Application in authentik and bind it to your user.\nThank you to u/agent-squirrel and this subreddit post on helping me with the NameID Attribute part!\n",
"wordCount" : "393",
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<h1 class="post-title entry-hint-parent">
How To Authenticate KASM via authentik
<div class="post-meta"><span title='2023-09-30 16:20:00 +0000 UTC'>September 30, 2023</span> · 2 min · 393 words · Mafyuh
</header> <div class="toc">
<details >
<summary accesskey="c" title="(Alt + C)">
<span class="details">Table of Contents</span>
<div class="inner"><nav id="TableOfContents">
<li><a href="#setting-up-kasm">Setting up Kasm</a></li>
<li><a href="#setting-up-authentik">Setting up authentik</a></li>
<div class="post-content"><p>You could do this with OpenID as well but this method is using SAML. This guide assumes you already have running instances of Kasm Workspaces and authentik.</p>
<p>The official authentik docs dont have a Kasm Integration listed at the time. So I thought I would help out anyone who is trying to integrate these services via SAML. authentik’s SAML docs can be found <a href="">here</a>.</p>
<h2 id="setting-up-kasm">Setting up Kasm<a hidden class="anchor" aria-hidden="true" href="#setting-up-kasm">#</a></h2>
<p>In the Kasm Workspaces admin, click Access Management - Authentication - SAML and create a new configuration. Make sure you enable and make default after testing. You will probably find yourself switching between tabs alot, its best to start creating them both at the same time as you need links from each.</p>
<p><img loading="lazy" src="/assets/img/kasm-saml.png" alt="KASM SAML Config" />
<li>Display Name: authentik</li>
<li>Logo URL: <a href=""></a> (or custom logo)</li>
<li>Host Name: authentik</li>
<li>NameID Attribute: emailAddress</li>
<li>Entity ID: authentik</li>
<li>Single Sign On Service/SAML 2.0 Endpoint: <a href=""></a></li>
<li>X509 Certificate: Skip to authentik setup first, then come back here. In authentik admin, go to your newly created SAML provider, when you click the provider and are brought to its details, you should have the option to Download signing certificate. Download it and paste the files contents here.</li>
<p><img loading="lazy" src="/assets/img/kasm-auth.png" alt="authentik Config" />
<h2 id="setting-up-authentik">Setting up authentik<a hidden class="anchor" aria-hidden="true" href="#setting-up-authentik">#</a></h2>
<p>In the authentik admin, under Applications, create a new SAML provider. Once you created a provider, create an Application and set its provider to the newly created kasm provider. For simplicity sake, the provider and application name is kasm. (kasms pictured)</p>
<p><img loading="lazy" src="/assets/img/kasm-auth2.png" alt="authentik Config" />
<li>Authorization flow: implicit</li>
<li>ACS URL: <a href=""></a> (Single Sign-On Service from kasm photo)</li>
<li>Issuer: authentik (must be the same as Entity ID chosen in Kasm)</li>
<li>Service Binding Provider: Post</li>
<li>Audience: <a href=""></a> ( Entity ID URL from Kasm photo)</li>
<li>Under Advanced, choose a signing certificate, default is authentik.</li>
<li>Go back to Kasm x509 Certificate.</li>
<p>Make sure you save you changes. You should now be able to test SAML at the bottom of the page, once tested, I recommend opening a incognito tab and loading your KASM website.</p>
<p><img loading="lazy" src="/assets/img/kasm-auth3.png" alt="authentik Config" />
<p>You should now be able to authenticate yourself using SAML via authentik. I recommend going back to your admin session and adding your newly created user to the admin group. Also if it should only be you accessing this via authentik, I would change the kasm Application in authentik and bind it to your user.</p>
<p>Thank you to u/<a href="">agent-squirrel</a> and this <a href="">subreddit</a> post on helping me with the NameID Attribute part!</p>
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422: the change you wanted was rejected. message from saml: actioncontroller::invalidauthenticitytoken Just make sure you set these in your Nginx Proxy Manager hosts Advanced field:
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422: the change you wanted was rejected. message from saml: actioncontroller::invalidauthenticitytoken Just make sure you set these in your Nginx Proxy Manager hosts Advanced field:
location / { proxy_pass http://zammad:8080; # Replace proxy_set_header Host $host; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Ssl on; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Port $server_port; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Host $host; } I spent way too long trying to figure this out, reading through Github issues, breaking my SAML provider and Zammad configs, starting over, when the whole time it was just good old nginx header issues." />
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<meta name="twitter:title" content="How to authenticate Zammad via SAML with Nginx Proxy Manager"/>
<meta name="twitter:description" content="If you are getting error messages like:
422: the change you wanted was rejected. message from saml: actioncontroller::invalidauthenticitytoken Just make sure you set these in your Nginx Proxy Manager hosts Advanced field:
location / { proxy_pass http://zammad:8080; # Replace proxy_set_header Host $host; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Ssl on; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Port $server_port; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Host $host; } I spent way too long trying to figure this out, reading through Github issues, breaking my SAML provider and Zammad configs, starting over, when the whole time it was just good old nginx header issues."/>
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"description": "If you are getting error messages like:\n422: the change you wanted was rejected. message from saml: actioncontroller::invalidauthenticitytoken Just make sure you set these in your Nginx Proxy Manager hosts Advanced field:\nlocation / { proxy_pass http://zammad:8080; # Replace proxy_set_header Host $host; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Ssl on; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Port $server_port; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Host $host; } I spent way too long trying to figure this out, reading through Github issues, breaking my SAML provider and Zammad configs, starting over, when the whole time it was just good old nginx header issues.",
"keywords": [
"articleBody": "If you are getting error messages like:\n422: the change you wanted was rejected. message from saml: actioncontroller::invalidauthenticitytoken Just make sure you set these in your Nginx Proxy Manager hosts Advanced field:\nlocation / { proxy_pass http://zammad:8080; # Replace proxy_set_header Host $host; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Ssl on; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Port $server_port; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Host $host; } I spent way too long trying to figure this out, reading through Github issues, breaking my SAML provider and Zammad configs, starting over, when the whole time it was just good old nginx header issues.\nHope this helps someone out. Fix was found on this rails github issue.\n(\n",
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<h1 class="post-title entry-hint-parent">
How to authenticate Zammad via SAML with Nginx Proxy Manager
<div class="post-meta"><span title='2023-10-29 16:20:00 +0000 UTC'>October 29, 2023</span> · 1 min · 107 words · Mafyuh
<div class="post-content"><p>If you are getting error messages like:</p>
<pre tabindex="0"><code>422: the change you wanted was rejected. message from saml: actioncontroller::invalidauthenticitytoken
</code></pre><p>Just make sure you set these in your Nginx Proxy Manager hosts Advanced field:</p>
<div class="highlight"><pre tabindex="0" class="chroma"><code class="language-nginx" data-lang="nginx"><span class="line"><span class="cl"><span class="k">location</span> <span class="s">/</span> <span class="p">{</span>
</span></span><span class="line"><span class="cl"> <span class="kn">proxy_pass</span> <span class="s">http://zammad:8080</span><span class="p">;</span> <span class="c1"># Replace
</span></span></span><span class="line"><span class="cl"><span class="c1"></span> <span class="kn">proxy_set_header</span> <span class="s">Host</span> <span class="nv">$host</span><span class="p">;</span>
</span></span><span class="line"><span class="cl"> <span class="kn">proxy_set_header</span> <span class="s">X-Forwarded-For</span> <span class="nv">$proxy_add_x_forwarded_for</span><span class="p">;</span>
</span></span><span class="line"><span class="cl"> <span class="kn">proxy_set_header</span> <span class="s">X-Forwarded-Proto</span> <span class="nv">$scheme</span><span class="p">;</span>
</span></span><span class="line"><span class="cl"> <span class="kn">proxy_set_header</span> <span class="s">X-Forwarded-Ssl</span> <span class="no">on</span><span class="p">;</span>
</span></span><span class="line"><span class="cl"> <span class="kn">proxy_set_header</span> <span class="s">X-Forwarded-Port</span> <span class="nv">$server_port</span><span class="p">;</span>
</span></span><span class="line"><span class="cl"> <span class="kn">proxy_set_header</span> <span class="s">X-Forwarded-Host</span> <span class="nv">$host</span><span class="p">;</span>
</span></span><span class="line"><span class="cl"><span class="p">}</span>
</span></span></code></pre></div><p>I spent way too long trying to figure this out, reading through Github issues, breaking my SAML provider and Zammad configs, starting over, when the whole time it was just good old nginx header issues.</p>
<p>Hope this helps someone out. Fix was found on this rails github issue.</p>
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<h2 class="entry-hint-parent">Resize Ubuntu VM Disk in Proxmox
<div class="entry-content">
<p>1st step: Increase/resize disk from GUI console 2nd step: Extend physical drive partition and check free space with: sudo growpart /dev/sda 3 sudo pvdisplay sudo pvresize /dev/sda3 sudo pvdisplay 3rd step: Extend Logical volume sudo lvdisplay sudo lvextend -l +100%FREE /dev/ubuntu-vg/ubuntu-lv sudo lvdisplay 4th step: Resize Filesystem sudo resize2fs /dev/ubuntu-vg/ubuntu-lv sudo fdisk -l </p>
<footer class="entry-footer"><span title='2024-02-06 02:58:07 +0000 UTC'>February 6, 2024</span> · 1 min · 53 words · Mafyuh</footer>
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<header class="entry-header">
<h2 class="entry-hint-parent">Proton Mail - SimpleLogin authentik Social Login Setup
<div class="entry-content">
<p>This is just a quick guide on how to authenticate your authentik users with Proton using SimpleLogin OIDC.
To accomplish this, first create a SimpleLogin acct by logging in with Proton. Once thats done go to and create a website. Give it your authentik URL.
Then go to Oauth Settings and copy your client ID and secret for next step. add your authentik URL in redirect URL like this https://auth....</p>
<footer class="entry-footer"><span title='2023-11-12 16:20:00 +0000 UTC'>November 12, 2023</span> · 2 min · 227 words · Mafyuh</footer>
<a class="entry-link" aria-label="post link to Proton Mail - SimpleLogin authentik Social Login Setup" href="http://localhost:1313/post/proton-mail-authentik-social-login-setup/"></a>
<article class="post-entry">
<header class="entry-header">
<h2 class="entry-hint-parent">How To Automate Jellyfin Issue Handling
<div class="entry-content">
<p>I wanted a way to automate when users tell me a video on my Jellyfin server has an issue. After alot of trial and error, ChatGPT, Bard and I came up with this automation.
Requirements My only requirements when making this was that it was free and self-hostable. Not even any NPM extensions are required in AP. Actual Software requirements are:
Sonarr Radarr Overseerr/Jellyseerr Optional
SMTP server or ability to send SMTP messages (can also use discord) ActivePieces or any other automation platform that supports TS....</p>
<footer class="entry-footer"><span title='2023-11-11 16:20:00 +0000 UTC'>November 11, 2023</span> · 19 min · 3952 words · Mafyuh</footer>
<a class="entry-link" aria-label="post link to How To Automate Jellyfin Issue Handling" href="http://localhost:1313/post/how-to-automate-jellyfin-issue-handling/"></a>
<article class="post-entry">
<header class="entry-header">
<h2 class="entry-hint-parent">How to authenticate Guacamole via authentik with Cloudflare and Nginx Proxy Manager
<div class="entry-content">
<p>authentik’s docs have a guide already for Guacamole. You can find that here. Follow all the instructions there, (especially the part where you create a user in Guacamole with the USERNAME of your email. not just filling in the email), but if you are using Cloudflare as our DNS you may run into problems. Such as infinite redirect loop.
Error 403 Forbidden While it was looping, I checked my Guacamole docker container logs in Portainer, and found the 403 Forbidden error....</p>
<footer class="entry-footer"><span title='2023-10-29 16:20:00 +0000 UTC'>October 29, 2023</span> · 2 min · 344 words · Mafyuh</footer>
<a class="entry-link" aria-label="post link to How to authenticate Guacamole via authentik with Cloudflare and Nginx Proxy Manager" href="http://localhost:1313/post/how-to-authenticate-guacamole-authentik-nginxproxymanager/"></a>
<article class="post-entry">
<header class="entry-header">
<h2 class="entry-hint-parent">How to authenticate Zammad via SAML with Nginx Proxy Manager
<div class="entry-content">
<p>If you are getting error messages like:
422: the change you wanted was rejected. message from saml: actioncontroller::invalidauthenticitytoken Just make sure you set these in your Nginx Proxy Manager hosts Advanced field:
location / { proxy_pass http://zammad:8080; # Replace proxy_set_header Host $host; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Ssl on; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Port $server_port; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Host $host; } I spent way too long trying to figure this out, reading through Github issues, breaking my SAML provider and Zammad configs, starting over, when the whole time it was just good old nginx header issues....</p>
<footer class="entry-footer"><span title='2023-10-29 16:20:00 +0000 UTC'>October 29, 2023</span> · 1 min · 107 words · Mafyuh</footer>
<a class="entry-link" aria-label="post link to How to authenticate Zammad via SAML with Nginx Proxy Manager" href="http://localhost:1313/post/how-to-authenticate-zammad-via-saml-with-nginx-proxy-manager/"></a>
<article class="post-entry">
<header class="entry-header">
<h2 class="entry-hint-parent">How To Authenticate KASM via authentik
<div class="entry-content">
<p>You could do this with OpenID as well but this method is using SAML. This guide assumes you already have running instances of Kasm Workspaces and authentik.
The official authentik docs dont have a Kasm Integration listed at the time. So I thought I would help out anyone who is trying to integrate these services via SAML. authentik’s SAML docs can be found here.
Setting up Kasm In the Kasm Workspaces admin, click Access Management - Authentication - SAML and create a new configuration....</p>
<footer class="entry-footer"><span title='2023-09-30 16:20:00 +0000 UTC'>September 30, 2023</span> · 2 min · 393 words · Mafyuh</footer>
<a class="entry-link" aria-label="post link to How To Authenticate KASM via authentik" href="http://localhost:1313/post/how-to-authenticate-kasm-via-authentik/"></a>
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<header class="entry-header">
<h2 class="entry-hint-parent">Software
<div class="entry-content">
<p>Just a straight forward list of pretty much everything that makes up my homelab. Or systems I’ve ran in the past.
Operating Systems
Ubuntu 23.04 Ubuntu 22.04 (primary on most systems) CentOS/Fedora 38 (only when Ubuntu doesnt play nice) Debian 11 Proxmox 8 Windows 10/11 TrueNAS Scale (virtualized) CasaOS (zimaboard) pfSense Applications/Containers
Nginx Proxy Manager Nginx Apache2 Traefik Authentik Portainer Yacht AdGuardHome Pihole Wazuh Zabbix Uptime Kuma Ghost (this blog) Wordpress Hydroxide (proton mail bridge) Calibre Smokeping Openspeedtest Grafana Prometheus InfluxDB PostgresSQL MySQL Watchtower Apache Guacamole Ansible Terraform Packer Vaultwarden Kasm Workspaces Jellyfin Plex Twingate Tailscale Headscale Wireguard LinkStack N8N Gotify Nextcloud Immich AI...</p>
<footer class="entry-footer"><span title='2023-08-26 00:13:40 +0000 UTC'>August 26, 2023</span> · 1 min · 124 words · Mafyuh</footer>
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<title>Resize Ubuntu VM Disk in Proxmox</title>
<pubDate>Tue, 06 Feb 2024 02:58:07 +0000</pubDate>
<description>1st step: Increase/resize disk from GUI console 2nd step: Extend physical drive partition and check free space with: sudo growpart /dev/sda 3 sudo pvdisplay sudo pvresize /dev/sda3 sudo pvdisplay 3rd step: Extend Logical volume sudo lvdisplay sudo lvextend -l +100%FREE /dev/ubuntu-vg/ubuntu-lv sudo lvdisplay 4th step: Resize Filesystem sudo resize2fs /dev/ubuntu-vg/ubuntu-lv sudo fdisk -l </description>
<title>Proton Mail - SimpleLogin authentik Social Login Setup</title>
<pubDate>Sun, 12 Nov 2023 16:20:00 +0000</pubDate>
<description>This is just a quick guide on how to authenticate your authentik users with Proton using SimpleLogin OIDC.
To accomplish this, first create a SimpleLogin acct by logging in with Proton. Once thats done go to and create a website. Give it your authentik URL.
Then go to Oauth Settings and copy your client ID and secret for next step. add your authentik URL in redirect URL like this https://auth.</description>
<title>How To Automate Jellyfin Issue Handling</title>
<pubDate>Sat, 11 Nov 2023 16:20:00 +0000</pubDate>
<description>I wanted a way to automate when users tell me a video on my Jellyfin server has an issue. After alot of trial and error, ChatGPT, Bard and I came up with this automation.
Requirements My only requirements when making this was that it was free and self-hostable. Not even any NPM extensions are required in AP. Actual Software requirements are:
Sonarr Radarr Overseerr/Jellyseerr Optional
SMTP server or ability to send SMTP messages (can also use discord) ActivePieces or any other automation platform that supports TS.</description>
<title>How to authenticate Guacamole via authentik with Cloudflare and Nginx Proxy Manager</title>
<pubDate>Sun, 29 Oct 2023 16:20:00 +0000</pubDate>
<description>authentik&rsquo;s docs have a guide already for Guacamole. You can find that here. Follow all the instructions there, (especially the part where you create a user in Guacamole with the USERNAME of your email. not just filling in the email), but if you are using Cloudflare as our DNS you may run into problems. Such as infinite redirect loop.
Error 403 Forbidden While it was looping, I checked my Guacamole docker container logs in Portainer, and found the 403 Forbidden error.</description>
<title>How to authenticate Zammad via SAML with Nginx Proxy Manager</title>
<pubDate>Sun, 29 Oct 2023 16:20:00 +0000</pubDate>
<description>If you are getting error messages like:
422: the change you wanted was rejected. message from saml: actioncontroller::invalidauthenticitytoken Just make sure you set these in your Nginx Proxy Manager hosts Advanced field:
location / { proxy_pass http://zammad:8080; # Replace proxy_set_header Host $host; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Ssl on; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Port $server_port; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Host $host; } I spent way too long trying to figure this out, reading through Github issues, breaking my SAML provider and Zammad configs, starting over, when the whole time it was just good old nginx header issues.</description>
<title>How To Authenticate KASM via authentik</title>
<pubDate>Sat, 30 Sep 2023 16:20:00 +0000</pubDate>
<description>You could do this with OpenID as well but this method is using SAML. This guide assumes you already have running instances of Kasm Workspaces and authentik.
The official authentik docs dont have a Kasm Integration listed at the time. So I thought I would help out anyone who is trying to integrate these services via SAML. authentik&rsquo;s SAML docs can be found here.
Setting up Kasm In the Kasm Workspaces admin, click Access Management - Authentication - SAML and create a new configuration.</description>
<pubDate>Sat, 26 Aug 2023 00:13:40 +0000</pubDate>
<description>Just a straight forward list of pretty much everything that makes up my homelab. Or systems I&rsquo;ve ran in the past.
Operating Systems
Ubuntu 23.04 Ubuntu 22.04 (primary on most systems) CentOS/Fedora 38 (only when Ubuntu doesnt play nice) Debian 11 Proxmox 8 Windows 10/11 TrueNAS Scale (virtualized) CasaOS (zimaboard) pfSense Applications/Containers
Nginx Proxy Manager Nginx Apache2 Traefik Authentik Portainer Yacht AdGuardHome Pihole Wazuh Zabbix Uptime Kuma Ghost (this blog) Wordpress Hydroxide (proton mail bridge) Calibre Smokeping Openspeedtest Grafana Prometheus InfluxDB PostgresSQL MySQL Watchtower Apache Guacamole Ansible Terraform Packer Vaultwarden Kasm Workspaces Jellyfin Plex Twingate Tailscale Headscale Wireguard LinkStack N8N Gotify Nextcloud Immich AI</description>
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To accomplish this, first create a SimpleLogin acct by logging in with Proton. Once thats done go to and create a website. Give it your authentik URL.
Then go to Oauth Settings and copy your client ID and secret for next step. add your authentik URL in redirect URL like this https://auth.">
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</noscript><meta property="og:title" content="Proton Mail - SimpleLogin authentik Social Login Setup" />
<meta property="og:description" content="This is just a quick guide on how to authenticate your authentik users with Proton using SimpleLogin OIDC.
To accomplish this, first create a SimpleLogin acct by logging in with Proton. Once thats done go to and create a website. Give it your authentik URL.
Then go to Oauth Settings and copy your client ID and secret for next step. add your authentik URL in redirect URL like this https://auth." />
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<meta name="twitter:title" content="Proton Mail - SimpleLogin authentik Social Login Setup"/>
<meta name="twitter:description" content="This is just a quick guide on how to authenticate your authentik users with Proton using SimpleLogin OIDC.
To accomplish this, first create a SimpleLogin acct by logging in with Proton. Once thats done go to and create a website. Give it your authentik URL.
Then go to Oauth Settings and copy your client ID and secret for next step. add your authentik URL in redirect URL like this https://auth."/>
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"name": "Proton Mail - SimpleLogin authentik Social Login Setup",
"description": "This is just a quick guide on how to authenticate your authentik users with Proton using SimpleLogin OIDC.\nTo accomplish this, first create a SimpleLogin acct by logging in with Proton. Once thats done go to and create a website. Give it your authentik URL.\nThen go to Oauth Settings and copy your client ID and secret for next step. add your authentik URL in redirect URL like this https://auth.",
"keywords": [
"articleBody": "This is just a quick guide on how to authenticate your authentik users with Proton using SimpleLogin OIDC.\nTo accomplish this, first create a SimpleLogin acct by logging in with Proton. Once thats done go to and create a website. Give it your authentik URL.\nThen go to Oauth Settings and copy your client ID and secret for next step. add your authentik URL in redirect URL like this (simplelogin being slug of authentik)\nIn authentik go to Directory - Federation and Social login - Create and create an OpenID Oauth source\nName: SimpleLogin Slug: simplelogin User matching mode: i chose link with identical email Consumer key: Paste your key Consumer secret: Paste your secret authorization url: access token url: profile url: OIDC Well-known URL:\nFor logo, it appears authenik inverts your image, I dont know if its dark mode or bug but regardless here’s the regular and inverted image I used. Just right click and save image:\nNow go to Flows and Stages - Flows - choose your default authentication stage - click it then click stage bindings - Click edit stage to the right of your identification stage - expand Source settings and make sure you CTL + click your newly created SimpleLogin source.\nYou should be able to logout and try to to login with your Proton account!\n",
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<h1 class="post-title entry-hint-parent">
Proton Mail - SimpleLogin authentik Social Login Setup
<div class="post-meta"><span title='2023-11-12 16:20:00 +0000 UTC'>November 12, 2023</span> · 2 min · 227 words · Mafyuh
<div class="post-content"><p>This is just a quick guide on how to authenticate your authentik users with Proton using SimpleLogin OIDC.</p>
<p><img loading="lazy" src="/assets/img/proton-authentik.png" alt="Proton Authentik Login Screen" />
<p>To accomplish this, first create a <a href="">SimpleLogin</a> acct by logging in with Proton. Once thats done go to <a href=""></a> and create a website. Give it your authentik URL.</p>
<p>Then go to Oauth Settings and copy your client ID and secret for next step. add your authentik URL in redirect URL like this <a href=""></a> (simplelogin being slug of authentik)</p>
<p>In authentik go to Directory - Federation and Social login - Create and create an OpenID Oauth source</p>
<p>Name: SimpleLogin
Slug: simplelogin
User matching mode: i chose link with identical email
Consumer key: Paste your key
Consumer secret: Paste your secret
authorization url: <a href=""></a>
access token url: <a href=""></a>
profile url: <a href=""></a>
OIDC Well-known URL: <a href=""></a></p>
<p>For logo, it appears authenik inverts your image, I dont know if its dark mode or bug but regardless here’s the regular and inverted image I used. Just right click and save image:</p>
<p><img loading="lazy" src="/assets/img/proton-logo.png" alt="Proton Logo" />
<img loading="lazy" src="/assets/img/proton-inverted.png" alt="Proton Logo Inverted" />
<p>Now go to Flows and Stages - Flows - choose your default authentication stage - click it then click stage bindings - Click edit stage to the right of your identification stage - expand Source settings and make sure you CTL + click your newly created SimpleLogin source.</p>
<p>You should be able to logout and try to to login with your Proton account!</p>
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"description": "1st step: Increase/resize disk from GUI console 2nd step: Extend physical drive partition and check free space with: sudo growpart /dev/sda 3 sudo pvdisplay sudo pvresize /dev/sda3 sudo pvdisplay 3rd step: Extend Logical volume sudo lvdisplay sudo lvextend -l +100%FREE /dev/ubuntu-vg/ubuntu-lv sudo lvdisplay 4th step: Resize Filesystem sudo resize2fs /dev/ubuntu-vg/ubuntu-lv sudo fdisk -l ",
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"articleBody": "1st step: Increase/resize disk from GUI console 2nd step: Extend physical drive partition and check free space with: sudo growpart /dev/sda 3 sudo pvdisplay sudo pvresize /dev/sda3 sudo pvdisplay 3rd step: Extend Logical volume sudo lvdisplay sudo lvextend -l +100%FREE /dev/ubuntu-vg/ubuntu-lv sudo lvdisplay 4th step: Resize Filesystem sudo resize2fs /dev/ubuntu-vg/ubuntu-lv sudo fdisk -l ",
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<h1 class="post-title entry-hint-parent">
Resize Ubuntu VM Disk in Proxmox
<div class="post-meta"><span title='2024-02-06 02:58:07 +0000 UTC'>February 6, 2024</span> · 1 min · 53 words · Mafyuh
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<div class="post-content"><h1 id="1st-step-increaseresize-disk-from-gui-console">1st step: Increase/resize disk from GUI console<a hidden class="anchor" aria-hidden="true" href="#1st-step-increaseresize-disk-from-gui-console">#</a></h1>
<p><img loading="lazy" src="/assets/img/prox-resize.png" alt="Proxmox webui change" />
<h1 id="2nd-step-extend-physical-drive-partition-and-check-free-space-with">2nd step: Extend physical drive partition and check free space with:<a hidden class="anchor" aria-hidden="true" href="#2nd-step-extend-physical-drive-partition-and-check-free-space-with">#</a></h1>
<div class="highlight"><pre tabindex="0" class="chroma"><code class="language-bash" data-lang="bash"><span class="line"><span class="cl">sudo growpart /dev/sda <span class="m">3</span>
</span></span></code></pre></div><div class="highlight"><pre tabindex="0" class="chroma"><code class="language-bash" data-lang="bash"><span class="line"><span class="cl">sudo pvdisplay
</span></span></code></pre></div><div class="highlight"><pre tabindex="0" class="chroma"><code class="language-bash" data-lang="bash"><span class="line"><span class="cl">sudo pvresize /dev/sda3
</span></span></code></pre></div><div class="highlight"><pre tabindex="0" class="chroma"><code class="language-bash" data-lang="bash"><span class="line"><span class="cl">sudo pvdisplay
</span></span></code></pre></div><h1 id="3rd-step-extend-logical-volume">3rd step: Extend Logical volume<a hidden class="anchor" aria-hidden="true" href="#3rd-step-extend-logical-volume">#</a></h1>
<div class="highlight"><pre tabindex="0" class="chroma"><code class="language-bash" data-lang="bash"><span class="line"><span class="cl">sudo lvdisplay
</span></span></code></pre></div><div class="highlight"><pre tabindex="0" class="chroma"><code class="language-bash" data-lang="bash"><span class="line"><span class="cl">sudo lvextend -l +100%FREE /dev/ubuntu-vg/ubuntu-lv
</span></span></code></pre></div><div class="highlight"><pre tabindex="0" class="chroma"><code class="language-bash" data-lang="bash"><span class="line"><span class="cl">sudo lvdisplay
</span></span></code></pre></div><h1 id="4th-step-resize-filesystem">4th step: Resize Filesystem<a hidden class="anchor" aria-hidden="true" href="#4th-step-resize-filesystem">#</a></h1>
<div class="highlight"><pre tabindex="0" class="chroma"><code class="language-bash" data-lang="bash"><span class="line"><span class="cl">sudo resize2fs /dev/ubuntu-vg/ubuntu-lv
</span></span></code></pre></div><div class="highlight"><pre tabindex="0" class="chroma"><code class="language-bash" data-lang="bash"><span class="line"><span class="cl">sudo fdisk -l
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Nginx Proxy Manager Nginx Apache2 Traefik Authentik Portainer Yacht AdGuardHome Pihole Wazuh Zabbix Uptime Kuma Ghost (this blog) Wordpress Hydroxide (proton mail bridge) Calibre Smokeping Openspeedtest Grafana Prometheus InfluxDB PostgresSQL MySQL Watchtower Apache Guacamole Ansible Terraform Packer Vaultwarden Kasm Workspaces Jellyfin Plex Twingate Tailscale Headscale Wireguard LinkStack N8N Gotify Nextcloud Immich AI"/>
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"articleBody": "Just a straight forward list of pretty much everything that makes up my homelab. Or systems I’ve ran in the past.\nOperating Systems\nUbuntu 23.04 Ubuntu 22.04 (primary on most systems) CentOS/Fedora 38 (only when Ubuntu doesnt play nice) Debian 11 Proxmox 8 Windows 10/11 TrueNAS Scale (virtualized) CasaOS (zimaboard) pfSense Applications/Containers\nNginx Proxy Manager Nginx Apache2 Traefik Authentik Portainer Yacht AdGuardHome Pihole Wazuh Zabbix Uptime Kuma Ghost (this blog) Wordpress Hydroxide (proton mail bridge) Calibre Smokeping Openspeedtest Grafana Prometheus InfluxDB PostgresSQL MySQL Watchtower Apache Guacamole Ansible Terraform Packer Vaultwarden Kasm Workspaces Jellyfin Plex Twingate Tailscale Headscale Wireguard LinkStack N8N Gotify Nextcloud Immich AI\nGPT4ALL Stable Diffusion LocalAI Auto-GPT Comfy UI Arr Suite\nRadarr Sonarr Prowlarr Lidarr Jellyseer Tdarr Requesterr Real Debrid Client Wizarr ",
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<h1 class="post-title entry-hint-parent">
<div class="post-meta"><span title='2023-08-26 00:13:40 +0000 UTC'>August 26, 2023</span> · 1 min · 124 words · Mafyuh
<div class="post-content"><p>Just a straight forward list of pretty much everything that makes up my homelab. Or systems I’ve ran in the past.</p>
<p>Operating Systems</p>
<li>Ubuntu 23.04</li>
<li>Ubuntu 22.04 (primary on most systems)</li>
<li>CentOS/Fedora 38 (only when Ubuntu doesnt play nice)</li>
<li>Debian 11</li>
<li>Proxmox 8</li>
<li>Windows 10/11</li>
<li>TrueNAS Scale (virtualized)</li>
<li>CasaOS (zimaboard)</li>
<li><a href="">Nginx Proxy Manager</a></li>
<li><a href="">Nginx</a></li>
<li><a href="">Apache2</a></li>
<li><a href="">Traefik</a></li>
<li><a href="">Authentik</a></li>
<li><a href="">Portainer</a></li>
<li><a href="">Yacht</a></li>
<li><a href="">AdGuardHome</a></li>
<li><a href="">Pihole</a></li>
<li><a href="">Wazuh</a></li>
<li><a href="">Zabbix</a></li>
<li><a href="">Uptime Kuma</a></li>
<li><a href="">Ghost</a> (this blog)</li>
<li><a href="">Wordpress</a></li>
<li><a href="">Hydroxide</a> (proton mail bridge)</li>
<li><a href="">Calibre</a></li>
<li><a href="">Smokeping</a></li>
<li><a href="">Openspeedtest</a></li>
<li><a href="">Grafana</a></li>
<li><a href="">Prometheus</a></li>
<li><a href="">InfluxDB</a></li>
<li><a href="">PostgresSQL</a></li>
<li><a href="">MySQL</a></li>
<li><a href="">Watchtower</a></li>
<li><a href="">Apache Guacamole</a></li>
<li><a href="">Ansible</a></li>
<li><a href="">Terraform</a></li>
<li><a href="">Packer</a></li>
<li><a href="">Vaultwarden</a></li>
<li><a href="">Kasm Workspaces</a></li>
<li><a href="">Jellyfin</a></li>
<li><a href="">Plex</a></li>
<li><a href="">Twingate</a></li>
<li><a href="">Tailscale</a></li>
<li><a href="">Headscale</a></li>
<li><a href="">LinkStack</a></li>
<li><a href="">N8N</a></li>
<li><a href="">Gotify</a></li>
<li><a href="">Nextcloud</a></li>
<li><a href="">Immich</a></li>
<li>Stable Diffusion</li>
<li>Comfy UI</li>
<p>Arr Suite</p>
<li>Real Debrid Client</li>
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<h2 class="entry-hint-parent">Software
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<p>Just a straight forward list of pretty much everything that makes up my homelab. Or systems I’ve ran in the past.
Operating Systems
Ubuntu 23.04 Ubuntu 22.04 (primary on most systems) CentOS/Fedora 38 (only when Ubuntu doesnt play nice) Debian 11 Proxmox 8 Windows 10/11 TrueNAS Scale (virtualized) CasaOS (zimaboard) pfSense Applications/Containers
Nginx Proxy Manager Nginx Apache2 Traefik Authentik Portainer Yacht AdGuardHome Pihole Wazuh Zabbix Uptime Kuma Ghost (this blog) Wordpress Hydroxide (proton mail bridge) Calibre Smokeping Openspeedtest Grafana Prometheus InfluxDB PostgresSQL MySQL Watchtower Apache Guacamole Ansible Terraform Packer Vaultwarden Kasm Workspaces Jellyfin Plex Twingate Tailscale Headscale Wireguard LinkStack N8N Gotify Nextcloud Immich AI...</p>
<footer class="entry-footer"><span title='2023-08-26 00:13:40 +0000 UTC'>August 26, 2023</span> · 1 min · 124 words · Mafyuh</footer>
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<description>Just a straight forward list of pretty much everything that makes up my homelab. Or systems I&rsquo;ve ran in the past.
Operating Systems
Ubuntu 23.04 Ubuntu 22.04 (primary on most systems) CentOS/Fedora 38 (only when Ubuntu doesnt play nice) Debian 11 Proxmox 8 Windows 10/11 TrueNAS Scale (virtualized) CasaOS (zimaboard) pfSense Applications/Containers
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<p>Just a straight forward list of pretty much everything that makes up my homelab. Or systems I’ve ran in the past.
Operating Systems
Ubuntu 23.04 Ubuntu 22.04 (primary on most systems) CentOS/Fedora 38 (only when Ubuntu doesnt play nice) Debian 11 Proxmox 8 Windows 10/11 TrueNAS Scale (virtualized) CasaOS (zimaboard) pfSense Applications/Containers
Nginx Proxy Manager Nginx Apache2 Traefik Authentik Portainer Yacht AdGuardHome Pihole Wazuh Zabbix Uptime Kuma Ghost (this blog) Wordpress Hydroxide (proton mail bridge) Calibre Smokeping Openspeedtest Grafana Prometheus InfluxDB PostgresSQL MySQL Watchtower Apache Guacamole Ansible Terraform Packer Vaultwarden Kasm Workspaces Jellyfin Plex Twingate Tailscale Headscale Wireguard LinkStack N8N Gotify Nextcloud Immich AI...</p>
<footer class="entry-footer"><span title='2023-08-26 00:13:40 +0000 UTC'>August 26, 2023</span> · 1 min · 124 words · Mafyuh</footer>
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<description>Just a straight forward list of pretty much everything that makes up my homelab. Or systems I&rsquo;ve ran in the past.
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