version: '3.0' services: activepieces: image: container_name: activepieces restart: unless-stopped ## Enable the following line if you already use AP_EXECUTION_MODE with SANDBOXED or old activepieces, checking the breaking change documentation for more info. ## privileged: true ports: - '8080:80' depends_on: - postgres - redis env_file: .env networks: - activepieces postgres: image: 'postgres:14.4' container_name: postgres restart: unless-stopped environment: - 'POSTGRES_DB=${AP_POSTGRES_DATABASE}' - 'POSTGRES_PASSWORD=${AP_POSTGRES_PASSWORD}' - 'POSTGRES_USER=${AP_POSTGRES_USERNAME}' volumes: - postgres_data:/var/lib/postgresql/data networks: - activepieces redis: image: 'redis:7.0.7' container_name: redis restart: unless-stopped volumes: - 'redis_data:/data' networks: - activepieces volumes: postgres_data: redis_data: networks: activepieces: