Merge branch 'main' into renovate/

This commit is contained in:
Matt Reeves 2024-02-29 09:41:29 +00:00
commit 96f646f4ba

View file

@ -33,3 +33,44 @@ steps:
- "yamllint --version"
- 'find . -name "*.yml" ! -name ".drone.yml" -exec yamllint -d "{extends: relaxed, rules: {line-length: {max: 120}}}" {} +'
- 'find . -name "*.yaml" ! -name ".drone.yml" -exec yamllint -d "{extends: relaxed, rules: {line-length: {max: 120}}}" {} +'
kind: pipeline
type: gitea
name: update-branch-on-push
# This triggers the pipeline only when there's a push to the "main" branch.
- main
# Define steps for the pipeline
- name: Checkout code
depth: 1
# Find subfolders with docker-compose.yml files
- name: Find folders to update
script: |
folders=$(find . -type d -name 'docker-compose.yml' | sed 's/\/docker-compose\.yml//g' | uniq)
echo "Found folders: $folders"
# Loop through each folder and update its branch
- name: Update branches
template: |
{{ range $folder := $folders }}
- name: Update {{ $folder }} branch
- git fetch origin {{ $folder }}
- git checkout {{ $folder }}
- git rebase origin/main
- git push origin {{ $folder }}
{{ end }}
# This condition ensures the pipeline runs only if there are changes to any folder
- expression: |
git diff --name-only origin/main HEAD | grep -E '\.(yml|yaml)'